Homeschool was supposed to start last Monday but that didn't happen. I was in New Orleans from the 23rd-26th and honestly, needed a week to get back into the groove. This is our first year of homeschooling, Duke attended Kindergarten and we just didn't feel comfortable sending him back for 1st grade when I would be home bonding with Omar (among other things that happened during the school year.)
Homeschooling is overwhelming. It is not easy. It is nothing like I thought it would be. We're slowly getting into our routine, experimenting everyday to see what works for us. Thank goodness for the flexbility of the program! If you like your free time and sanity, homeschooling isn't for you. You need an abundance of patience. Which I'm finding out I'm short on this week. Too bad I can't just walk into a store and buy me some patience!
The problem is that my overbearing, possessive 6 year old wants to be a helicopter parent to our 4 month old. The line in Omar's Huggies diaper barely turns blue and he's yelling at me to change his diaper. Omar loves just hanging out in his crib but Duke will yell at me, "Mom! Omar is up!" My child is on my ass about his baby brother! Majority of today's lessons were spent in mine and C's bed because Duke wanted to be with Omar. I didn't mind one bit. It was actually a good idea because Duke read to Omar and Omar enjoyed time spent with his brother and I. I loved it. Today's vocabulary word is: cozy. Duke said cozy is warm and comfy.
I need to stop feeling overwhelmed with Homeschooling. And stop feeling scared I might be doing something wrong. Yes it's a lot of work but we parents are our children's first teachers. I just need to keep telling myself that.

Labels: First Grade, First Year Of Homeschooling, Homeschooling, Organic, Overwhelming, Parents Are Children's First Teachers, Patience