We have been crazy busy and haven't gone thrifting in a month! Having thrifting withdrawals, it was brutal! Yesterday we finally had time and checked out one of our fave thrift stores but came out empty handed... Today we went to our favorite thrift store and scored this super cute Vintage Adidas jacket for Omar! The tag says $2.95 but it was 50% off today! SCORE! 
I spotted this Vintage framed art piece when we were leaving and it was priced at $9.95 but was 60% off!

I wanted this Unicorn but it was too rich for my blood.

Thrift store is now carrying new stuff!

These Lakers Luke Walton bobbleheads were overpriced! There were 50+ of 'em! No thank you!

Scary brown baby doll with pink eyes!

Now that Harper's Happenings did away with High on Thrifting Thursday - where are the fun thrift related blog hops? Anyone out there that wants to partner up and run a thrift/flea market/estate sale blog hop? Does anyone do a Holiday Thrift Swap?
Linked up at Thrift Share MondayLabels: Blog Hops, High On Thrifting Thursday, Holiday Thrift Swap, Luke Walton Bobblehead, Thrifting, Vintage