I was in New Orleans from Thursday-Sunday for The Niche Mommy Conference. I've been home for a couple days just... marinating. My weekend was full of good coincidences and positive signs. I enjoyed hearing people speak.
Before I even left California, I made friends on the shuttle to the airport with two dudes from Baton Rouge, LA. Turns out they were on the same flight as me. And as luck would have it, some lady had her bags in my seat and traded seats across the aisle with one of the dudes I met on the shuttle. He talked my ear off the whole flight (I wanted to sleep but didn't want to be rude) and he reminded me of my Dad. Both Lifetime Union Members, Lifelong Democrats, pro-guns and loves food. We talked about black and white, Democrats and Republicans, New World Order, New Orleans cuisine and ghost stories... He was in his 50s, White, born and raised in Louisiana, upper middle class, avid golfer and hunter. He told me that all you need to get a gun in Louisiana is to be over 18 years old and have the cash for it. He told me that tipped workers only get paid $2.18 an hour.
If I hadn't taken the time to talk with him, I would have never got a snapshot into his life, I would have never guessed we would share very similar beliefs.
Was our meeting by chance or completely random? I always think of the bigger picture, I focus on the larger details - Why did you come into my life? Mark Turner, thank you for being a character in my guide to recognizing my saints.
This is not Mark Turner. It was our cab driver from the airport to our hotel. 6 of us bloggers shared a ride. That was pretty amazing too.

Labels: A Guide To Recognizing My Saints, Chance Meetings, Mark Turner, New Orleans, The Strangers In Our Lives