Let me tell you a story about how things just work out sometimes. You just have to have a little faith.
I had been itching to attend a blogging conference after all the fun and learning from last year's BlogHer. I met many, lovely ladies that understand blogging. I turned down many drinks at BlogHer because we were trying to conceive and I didn't know if I was with child yet. I found out later that I was pregnant and I knew I had to count out all conferences for the next year. BlogHer in New York was definitely out. I couldn't handle being almost 3000 miles away from my 3 month old. It just wasn't happening and I was kinda sad about it.
There are still passes available - This is a great opportunity for those of you that want to start blogging or advance your skills!

Huggies® is helping new Moms get all their first-time baby questions answered with Huggies Mommy Answers—a one-stop destination on the
Huggies Latino Facebook page that compiles information from top baby sites, making it easy for Mom to get all the answers she needs as she starts the incredible journey of motherhood.
At this year’s conference, child development and parenting expert Jeannette Torres-Alvarez will be greeting attendees in the Huggies® Mommy Answers suite and discussing all of your most pressing baby questions.
Disclosure: I didn't have to write this post but I wanted to. I also want to hug each and every one who had a hand in the process. All thoughts are my own. As always.
Labels: Huggies, New Orleans, NicheMommy12, The Niche Mommy Conference, The Niche Mommy Network