My sons are pros when it comes to traveling. We travel at least once a year and if we're lucky, up to 3x. We fly, we road trip and we have fun! We haven't had an unhappy kid yet. Even after a 24+ road trip so hey, maybe I know a thing or two about traveling with kids! We have a travel routine that works for us and I'm going to share my tips for keeping your kids happy.
Happy kids = happy parents = more trips!
- Discuss your travel plans with your kids. I can't emphasize how important this tip is. The more your kids know about the trip, the more enthusiastic and easy they'll be. Easy. None of that pesky question: "Are we there yet?"
- Prepare fun facts / history about your destination. When we took a road trip from CA to TX in 2010, I researched Roadside Attractions and cities we would be stopping in. The kids were definitely interested in where we were passing through.
- Have each kid pack his/her own backpack. I gave each kid a general list (pair of socks, underwear, one comfy outfit) and it was up to them to add whatever else they wanted. Make sure you check those backpacks!
- Bring portable tv's or iPods. Download fun apps and movies. Talking Tim is still a fun one in our house. It will keep them busy for a few hours.
- Pack snacks and drinks. This should be a no-brainer! One time I forgot that Duke had a Capri-sun in his backpack and we passed TSA Screening with it! He was happy. I was kinda scared we would get in trouble!
- Give them a travel allowance. Trust me on this. Hand each kid $20 and tell them that's their spending money (even if you plan on splurging on them later). It will teach them how to budget.
- Assign each kid a job. My sons are seasoned travelers and it's because we've taught them how to be responsible during trips. Anything from making sure we don't forget anything in a hotel room to listening for gate changes at the airport.
- Group restroom trips. Our boys only use public restrooms together or with Dad. We know that traveling can lead to "tummy troubles" so Culturelle Kids Probiotic Packets can help with digestion. Kids don't want to feel blah on a vacation! Just empty a packet into a water bottle, it's tasteless and odorless!
- Let them choose a store they want to shop at. This goes back to having a travel allowance. Damien (our 13 year old) loves games so I can guarantee you he almost always wants to check out the used game section of Game Stop.
- Make a surprise pack for each kid. Even though I have teenagers, they still like being surprised. When you create a fun kit (notebook, stickers, markers, funny books, Lego) for a kid, it'll keep them busy for a couple hours (maybe more).
Our favorite staycation trip is to Carlsbad, home of Legoland. We love staying at Grand Pacific Palisades. You bet we used my top 10 tips for this trip! Makes travel easier for Chris and I! See those smiles!?!

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Disclosure: I was compensated for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.Labels: Carlsbad, Culturelle, Culturelle Kids, Family Adventures, Family Fun, Grand Pacific Palisades, Kids, Legoland, Top 10 Tips for Traveling With Kids, Traveling