Deciding to be a stay-at-home Mom to bond with our newborn and homeschool our 6 year old is possibly the best decision I've made in my life. I'm saying that now, right?! Ask me again at the end of the year.
We turned in Duke's first month homeschool packet last Monday and I didn't even bother putting on makeup. No makeup was just me testing out my SAHM theory. More on that later. Duke finished the whole packet which turned out to be TWO months worth of work so with that done and behind us, we really turned on the chill mode. It was our first mellow week of the Summer so when Duke wanted to be in his Woody pajamas for 3 days straight, I let him. He looked adorable. And I was amused.
Some days my life feels like the soundtrack to a Vietnam War movie. I'm not saying that in a bad way but because those movies have kickass music. I have Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower on. And after that, I'll put on The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black. Music is powerful and right now, that's how I power up. I started working when I was 14, I'm 36 now. I have never not worked so staying at home to enjoy my children is a major adjustment for me.
They are at a great age right now. Omar is learning new things each day. He is our last child - I live for every moment. Duke started this thing when the baby gets up from a nap where he'll say "The wonderfullest, cutest Omar!!!" and we present the baby like Simba. It's really cute. I love watching them together. I wish I got to enjoy times like that with my older two. (But seeing them as teenagers is interesting in it's own right)
So for now, I'm grateful I can take advantage and enjoy this stay-at-home life.
/Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day.

Labels: 3 month olds, 6 year olds, All Along The Watchtower, BlogHer, BlogHeratHome, Disney, Paint It Black, Rock and Roll, SAHM, Simba, Stay At Home Life, Stay At Home Mom, Toy Story, Woody