I've always felt intimidated about estate sales so I never made an effort to check 'em out. A Twitter friend recommended I check out estatesales.net and I came across a listing that was local and the pictures sealed the deal. I had to go.
I kinda had an idea of what an "estate sale" is by researching on Google. The 2 best tips were to arrive early and bring bags or boxes. I made a mental note to shove a reusable bag in my purse but of course I forgot.
The line-up for the estate sale started at 5am but wouldn't officially open until 9am and I got there around 930am - there was a line outside. I decided to snoop in the garage and it was a disaster. I had on flip flops which was a bad idea. There was broken glass, cracked mirrors, nails and a rodent or two could've ran across my feet but all that digging through stuff was worth it. I found envelopes of negatives (now all I need is a negative scanner). None are Vivian Maier caliber but a girl can dream.
After a good 10 minutes in the garage, I heard someone calling out names so I decided to see if there was a list - I wrote my name on #87 and decided to head back to the garage. As I'm walking away, I hear a few ladies get angry that there is a list and complain that they were there since 6am. Yeah right. One of them started walking to her car but was yelling back, "You won't be getting my money."
I made a mental note that estate sales can get ugly. About 5 minutes later, one of the guys running the sale came to the door and announced everyone could go in. I had no idea where to start. I saw people in closets, rummaging through piles of books, clothes, moving boxes downstairs - it was a mad house. I started in the first room right by the stairs. It looked like the master bedroom, there was a queen size bed, tv and bathroom. There were piles of old bills, receipts and assorted junk on the bed. And that's when it hit me - what happened to these people and who were they? I couldn't help but feel excited to roam free and be completely nosy in someone's home but at the same time, felt sad that all this stuff wasn't being claimed by a family member. Is this what happens when you have no one left?
My tips:
- Go early
- Take a few reusable bags
- Bring cash
- Wear sneakers or comfy, closed toe shoes
- Bring string or yarn (I witnessed some buyers cordon off their stuff to an area with string so they can run around and continue to shop)
- Be nice to the estate sale staff (A couple of them were straight up mean but remember, they are the ones that price your stuff!)
- Be nice to other buyers (Everyone I spoke to was super nice - gave compliments on their finds and received compliments on mine. They might even offer you some of their finds or give you advice on your purchases)
- Be prepared to be there for 2 hours or more (Depends how big the house is and if you are willing to really dig through closets and piles)
- Spread all of your items out so the estate sale staff can price (Don't leave in bags or boxes)

Looks like the house was egged :/

Come back to check out Part 2 - My Haul!Labels: Antiquing, Estate Sale, Estate Sale Tips, Free Adventure, Thrifting