I've had an adventurous week... and tomorrow my girl Ariana from Houston will be in town till Friday so the fun continues! We'll be hitting Disneyland, OC Fair and going on tours of the El Pato factory and Homeboy Industries (& having lunch at Homegirl Cafe). I am so excited because she's the only girlfriend I have that hasn't flaked on me for the past 3 years. We enjoy her company!
Ready for some exciting news?! I'm planning a small UNconference in November with some kickass speakers - I can't wait to share the details but waiting till I secure the venue.
Here's some sites I enjoyed this weekend:
Desboobs of The Boobs fame launched her Mommy blog last week and it's fantastic - You'll love it Moms Of Badassery.
This is a great read - Questions My 5-Year-Old Sons Ask After Watching the Greatest Rap Videos of All Time
Adorable Spanish Alphabet Printable - FREE!
I use Passionfruit to run my ads, it's amazing and now there is a blog directory!
I don't listen to Murs but this is pretty awesome. Loving the Hip Hop Community lately Rapper Murs Supports Gay Rights, Kisses A Man In "Animal Style" video
I'm sad I won't be attending BlogHer this year but I'll be doing this!

Nas & Amy Winehouse "Me & Mr. Jones"
Labels: Amy Winehouse, Animal Style, Ariana, BlogHeratHome, Disneyland, El Pato, Hip Hop, Hip Hop Community, Homeboy Industries, Homegirl Cafe, Moms of Badassery, Murs, Nas, OC Fair, Passionfruit, UNconference