I went through some serious shopping cart drama in the past month. I thought the first time was a fluke. I was pushing my cart with the baby in his carseat at my favorite thrift store and the aisle was crowded so I said politely, "Excuse me" to some little old Asian lady. She freaked out like I was bugging her and shoved my cart towards me. With the baby in it. It caught me by surprise. Feeling like I was on an episode of Punk'd (Does that ever happen to you or that's just me?) I pushed the cart back towards her and told her, "Try me" which is really out of my character
these days. 10 years ago, I would've popped her in the mouth, easy. But it took me a minute to react because I couldn't believe that shit was happening to me.
The second time it happened was at my favorite thrift store again! We were in line to check-out and I thought someone abandoned their cart in front of me so I moved it. Out of nowhere like a ninja, this Filipino lady grabs the cart and gives me the eye. Stunned, I didn't have any words. But I was pissed off - She was clearly in the wrong and gives me attitude. Yeah.
So now I'm starting to think people are just mad crazy bananas when it comes to thrifting. Chris even suggested that maybe I look timid. What? Alright, I'll just put on that Long Beach gangsta.
And then the craziest shit happened at Ross and this is when I realized, people are just rude. I'm in a dress aisle and Duke is sitting in my cart, I'm glancing at dresses and showing them to Chris. I noticed a lady who is nowhere near my size getting really close to us so I moved the cart. She's pulling dresses off the rack and then moves my cart. After having an insane week with the other 2 ladies, I could feel myself about to lose it. All bets were off. I didn't care. She was getting chewed out. I say to her, "You could have said excuse me and I would've moved the cart" and she says, "You saw me you should've moved it" - I saw red. I told her something to the effect of, "Do not move my cart with my child. I don't know you. You are so f%#$@*! rude". More was said but I honestly can't remember what it was that's how pissed I was. Where are you from lady that this is okay? It's not okay. Not never.
Chris and I had a discussion with Duke about what went down and how it wasn't right what she did but I was also in the wrong. I shouldn't get like that. Ever. (But I will. Like a Mama Hen. You bet.)
I've worked hard at teaching my kids to be respectful since they were babies. So if I have to remind you grown ladies about manners, I will.
I did get some cart karma back though. At the same thrift store, a lady told me I could go ahead of her in line but there was confusion with a cashier and she took another guest before me. The lady that told me to go ahead? Well, she called the cashier out on it - yelled clear across the store. It was great. But the mother of all cart karma was when I forgot a bag at Walmart and the customer behind me chased us down in the parking lot with the bag.
All is good in the hood.