I love my city.

Maybe I'll find one of these when I'm out thrifting.


Neon Green Gorilla. I always wonder if other states are big on human signs.

El Gallo Giro in Santa Ana. Heavenly.

Platano Agua = Banana Water from El Gallo Giro. Heavenly.

I always wanted a L.A.M.B. Tattoo Tote in Lambi Cami but it was too rich for my blood - Harajuku Lovers is the next best thing. (Was new with tags at Buffalo Exchange for $15)

My friend Mai in Japan sent me a care package. This Kim Chee Ramen was yummy!
Hubby and I have been spending a lot of time wandering around Target lately and fell in love with American Greetings Just Wink series. Modern and impressive! (I want one of each! To frame!)

Duke reviewed Hexbugs in the past so when I saw these I was excited! I suggest getting one of these gift cards and putting $5 on it (Target's required minimum) and it's like getting a free toy!
Labels: American Greetings Just Wink, Buena Park, El Gallo Giro, Family Adventures, Food, Harajuku Lovers, Hexbugs, Kimchee Ramen, Knotts, Plantano Agua, Sonic, Target