Thrift shopping is routine in our family now. Duke (my 6 year old) has his own favorite sections now. He hits the toys, VHS tapes and books - in that order. He had a sad moment on Saturday. We were at Salvation Army, everything was 50% off and when we were at the check-out counter, the lady in front of us had a Toy Story Slinky Dog. I peeked at the price and it was $1.59 so she was getting it for .80 - Duke really wanted it so I told Chris to offer her $2 but he didn't cause he knew she wouldn't have given it up. I wouldn't have either. She scored. We turned the situation into a learning lesson for him: Be prepared to scour the aisles faster. Just kidding. We told him that sometimes you win some, lose some - be a good sport about it and get on with your day. Life goes on!
The Things I Didn't Buy:
Cows in dresses. I kinda wanted them. Wish I looked at the price!
Blue Eyed Jesus on Black Velvet. This didn't have a price. Not sure how your thrift stores are but all the ones I shop at will not sell an item without a price.

This was all kinds of gorgeous. Especially the frame. It would have come home with me if it was a real painting but it was a reproduction on a wooden board.

I always check for used rolls of film in cameras. Most of the time the roll isn't finished so when I pop open the back and expose the film to light, I don't even bother... I have picked up 3 finished rolls but I worry about getting 'em processed and printed - what if there's some crazy stuff (or even criminal) on there? I would be so embarrassed picking it up!

What are some things you didn't buy? Any big time regrets?
A recent regret of mine is not buying (2) 10 lb. bags of Legos that were about $12 each. Duke has been busy every day of his Summer vacation building with his Legos and it would've been nice to have bricks that weren't part of a set.

Labels: Film, High On Thrifting Thursday, The Things I Didn't Buy, Thrift Scores, Thrifting, Today's Scores