Duke & I review A Perfect Pet for Peyton

We're big on books.  My husband & I took turns reading to Duke almost every day this past school year.  He's starting to read to us now!  I jumped at the chance to review, "A Perfect Pet for Peyton" by best selling author Dr. Gary Chapman because I wanted to learn more about Dr. Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages for kids.

My favorite part about this book is that it is written from a biblical perspective but the message isn't forced on you.  This is a big issue with me because we believe in God but are more spiritual than religious.

A Perfect Pet for PeytonDuke & I really enjoyed this book, the story is interesting and kept us wanting to get to each page.  One of the activities is to find insects on every big picture in the book, Duke really enjoyed that.  The illustrations were cute but didn't fall under too cutesy for the younger audience.  The story line is thought-provoking and there is even a nod to mythical creatures!  We also enjoyed how each character had a different personality and in the end we found out how their characteristics defined their "love language".      

The 5 Love Languages are: Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch and Acts of Service.  At the end of the book, there was a quiz to determine your child's love language - Duke falls under "Gifts" and "Words of Affirmation".  Knowing your child's love language will enable them to give and receive love more easily and strengthen your family.

This is one of those books you read with your child a few times and can hold a lengthy discussion about the content.  This is a great book for parents and children - "G" Family approved!     

A Perfect Pet for Peyton

Disclosure: This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media.  Thoughts are my own.

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raised by culture: Duke & I review A Perfect Pet for Peyton

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Duke & I review A Perfect Pet for Peyton

We're big on books.  My husband & I took turns reading to Duke almost every day this past school year.  He's starting to read to us now!  I jumped at the chance to review, "A Perfect Pet for Peyton" by best selling author Dr. Gary Chapman because I wanted to learn more about Dr. Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages for kids.

My favorite part about this book is that it is written from a biblical perspective but the message isn't forced on you.  This is a big issue with me because we believe in God but are more spiritual than religious.

A Perfect Pet for PeytonDuke & I really enjoyed this book, the story is interesting and kept us wanting to get to each page.  One of the activities is to find insects on every big picture in the book, Duke really enjoyed that.  The illustrations were cute but didn't fall under too cutesy for the younger audience.  The story line is thought-provoking and there is even a nod to mythical creatures!  We also enjoyed how each character had a different personality and in the end we found out how their characteristics defined their "love language".      

The 5 Love Languages are: Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch and Acts of Service.  At the end of the book, there was a quiz to determine your child's love language - Duke falls under "Gifts" and "Words of Affirmation".  Knowing your child's love language will enable them to give and receive love more easily and strengthen your family.

This is one of those books you read with your child a few times and can hold a lengthy discussion about the content.  This is a great book for parents and children - "G" Family approved!     

A Perfect Pet for Peyton

Disclosure: This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media.  Thoughts are my own.

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At July 31, 2013 at 2:42 AM , Blogger WilsonW said...

Thanks so much for reviewing this book I illustrated! So glad that you liked my artwork!


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