I remember the first time I bought my Mom flowers. I was in my 20s. I didn't buy a cheap bouquet from a store - I actually saved enough money to choose online and have beautiful flowers delivered. I'd like to think it was a big deal for my Mom since it was such a big deal to me. I felt proud that I was able to do something nice for my Mama. When is the last time you sent your Mom flowers on a day other than Mother's Day or her Birthday?
Teleflora Flower Deliveries make a great gift for any occasion. There are hundreds of floral arrangements available in different price ranges. You can search by occasion, type of flower, color and price range. Teleflora even offers a deal of the day. If that's not enough, Teleflora has same day flower delivery when you place your order before 3pm in your recipient's time zone and there's no additional surcharge!
One of my favorites is Teleflora's Island Blooms bouquet. It is colorful and gorgeous! Definitely takes away the end of Summer blues. You can add balloons, stuffed animals or even chocolate!
Do something nice for someone today - Send flowers delivered with Teleflora!
Disclosure: This sponsored post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. I was compensated for my time investment and work on this campaign. Thoughts are my own.Labels: Beautiful Flowers Delivered, Flowers Delivered, Fresh Flowers Delivered Flowers Delivered from Teleflora, Island Blooms, Mom