raised by culture

raised by culture: July 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Today's Scores

*moved from my old blog* 

 one of the best things i've ever purchased is this original oil painting from the 80s. it's hard to make out the signature and year but we think it's dated 1983. i'm not a big fan of cats (sorry cat lover friends!) but there is something so mesmerizing about the girl and her cat. C and i broke our rule about buying art from thrift stores, i really had to have this canvas. can you believe it was only $3.95? SCORE! best thrift store find ever i also liked this book when i was in elementary school. i wonder if kids still like it... i couldn't pass it up for $1.95 another thrift store find and i almost bought this pair of silver glitter heels for $7.95 but the glitter was rubbing off in some spots so i passed on it. but when i got home i was feeling regret at not buying them for the sparklecorn party during blogher! now that i think of it, it'll be crowded and dark so no one would have even noticed the missing glitter! almost thrift store find

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Friday, July 22, 2011

La Mirada Din Din A Go Go

*moved from my old blog*

the best way to explain din din a go go is by the tagline on their site, "bringing the best food trucks to the best cities every week! " - C and i usually don't chase food trucks for a couple reasons... the major one being that some cities aren't food truck friendly. there is nothing worse than some crazy business owner wanting to shoo the trucks away or a police officer bullying a food truck to leave by using non-existent laws.  these din din a go go weekly locations make it easy for people to check out trucks and enjoy their food.  picture my excitement when i came across a tweet that a local one was opening up this week. we got there and it was buzzing with business!  look at this happy girl (not me)It was packed! first stop is truck norris! filipino + hawaiian food!What can I say, I'm totally partial to Truck Norris sisig taco($3) and short rib taco ($3) were completely yummy. our fave was the short rib taco. the marinade on the ribs were sooo good.  Sisig Taco & Short Rib Taco from Truck Norris we debated getting something from the grill 'em all truck but passed... decided to get some cupcakes from sweet e's bakeshop. mini cupcakes were $2 each. i chose snickerdoodle, c chose smores and duke chose chocolate chip cookie dough. i wanted a chocolate chip cookie and c wanted a white chocolate rice krispy. our total was $9.25 and that kinda amazed me - i should have bought more!  they were all yummy.  c didn't even offer me a bite of his! here's the little one begging for MY cookie. he's my baby so of course he gets it lolSomeone wanted My Cookie lol the vchos truck was smelling good so we decided to look at the pictures on the truck. it looked so good and we went for a chicken pastelito ($3) and 3 shrimp & potato taquitos ($7) - when c picked up our order, the dude said to break the pastelito in half and put curtido before each bite. wish he gave us more curtido, it was so good!Chicken Pastelito & Curtido from Vchos TruckChicken Pastelito from Vchos Truck the grilled shrimp and potatoes taquitos are so freakin' GOOD.  seriously. Shrimp & Potato Taquitos from Vchos TruckShrimp & Potato Taquitos from Vchos Truck smart people brought their own portable chairs and tables, others opened the backs of their trucks or ate off the hoods of their cars. we decided to get one last thing from truck norris before we took off... the won-tonutella ($2) - it was glorious. i could probably make this. i will probably make this.  sidebar: it was probably 8pm when we ordered this and the short rib tacos were sold out already.  so if you want 'em, go early!Nutella Won Ton from Truck Norris and our cheeseball.  yep, he's our dork. Our Cheeseball. this is an awesome idea so big props to the brains behind din din a go go. it's really community & small business building. this is what works and i hope parents take their kids, parents, neighbor's kids to these type of FREE events. share new and celebrate old culture! LA MIRADA DIN DIN A GO GO @ LOWE'S PARKING LOT 14873 Carmenita Road La Mirada, CA 90650 (Carmenita Exit right off the 5N) Every Friday from 5:30-9pm Follow them on Twitter @LaMiradaDDaGG i think the trucks change every week so check twitter before you head out.  other trucks in attendance tonight were: white rabbit, grill 'em all, cheeseball wagon, slap yo mama, lomo arigato, tino's pizza, breezy freeze if you are looking for something else to do in the area, santa fe springs swap meet is also open on friday nights from 5-11pm and is only 1.1 miles from lowe's!
since writing this, la mirada din din a  go go has changed to la mirada dine n dash - from what i've read, din din a go go is still in place in certain cities.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vice x Terry Richardson "Tons Of Fun" Shoot

*moved from my old blog*

as an in-betweenie (on the border of being "regular" sized and plus-size), i was shocked about the huge uproar regarding the ever-so-controversial photographer terry richardson shoot for vice magazine's annual photo issue called "tons of fun" - the shoot uses plus size models in all of their glory - untouched by photoshop. some call it degrading and others (like me) call it empowering. the shoot is NOT classy (as many claim it should be) but if you know terry richardson, classy is far from his style. terry is known best for shooting in front of a white wall with various 35mm & point and shoot digital cameras. this is what he does.  i'm really overwhelmed by how the fatshion community reacts to some shit.  why so serious?! i don't know terry nor do i know any of the models but from watching the video, it looked like everyone had a good time. the models obviously answered some sort of casting call and weren't forced into posing. are these women victims? no. should these women be made to feel guilty/ashamed/embarrassed for doing this shoot? NO! now if terry shot these women posing with donuts or bacon then yes, i would definitely call the shoot tasteless and degrading but let's keep it real - let's applaud these women for being PROUD OF THEIR BODIES! as i was writing this, i came across vice's response... read it. VICE Tons of Fun Photoshoot from Terry Richardson on Vimeo.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh How I Miss San Diego Comic Con

*moved from my old blog*

one of the best things i've ever experienced in my life has been the famed san diego comic con.  i was really involved with designer vinyl toys for a few years... i still love the toys & art but i'm not as crazy as i used to be.  we're talking standing hours in line for an exclusive, limited edition toy.  it was insane!  those were some very fun times and i made a lot of friends all around the world, got to meet some of those friends and lots of artists & companies. there's no way i can possibly explain comic con except that it's a nerd paradise.  there is nothing wrong with being a nerd, lots of people are nerds.  what do you nerd out about?  shoes? star wars? lego? disneyland?  yea, you're a nerd about SOMETHING!  comic con passes are harder to come by as the years go on and it gets more popular.  it's even crazy to book a hotel.  what do you expect when 100,000+ attendees come to san diego for a fun filled week. my first comic con experience was softened by tons of advice by hardcore, longtime con-goers.  best advice i can give you?  be prepared to be packed in like sardines (don't take the pushing and shoving personal) & be ready to do lots of waiting (for autographs, releases, panels - hell, even to get INSIDE the convention center).  there will be a tons of people that forget to put on deodorant for the day so bring some febreeze.  print out the exhibit map and highlight the areas you want to tackle, if you can put together a spreadsheet too - work on it!  there is SO MUCH to see and do that you need an attack plan! it helps to go with friends or family or even make friends there! one of the best things about comic con is the shuttle service, it's free - take advantage!  another good thing about the san diego convention center is it's in a beautiful location - you can walk just about anywhere in the downtown / gaslamp and shoreline area.  bring cash too because there's tons of pedicabs. keep an eye or your ears out for other special events happening during the con.  there are a ton of other free stuff like advance movie screenings, parties and art shows. here's one party you should definitely check out!  my friends Dragatomi & SpankyStokes present to you THE FIRST ANNUAL KANPAI KARAOKE JAM!  they know how to party, definitely a party you don't want to miss out on & they are giving out goodie bags! to those of you that are going to SDCC this year, you lucky punks!  have a great time!!!  take lots of pictures! if you are interested in the toy scene - you have to add SpankyStokes & supahcute to your daily reads! so while i'm sad i won't be there this year, i have some good memories from 2007 & 2008 to last our lifetime!  and maybe... i'll see you all NEXT YEAR! 2007-2008 SDCC 1. evil cheerleaders + elvis trooper, 2. NOICE!, 3. sorry monsters, zombies and troopers..., 4. giant robot booth, 5. hey you, 6. me = happy before the madness., 7. luke chueh, 8. wedgehead and ox with my boys, 9. i wonder who's her agent, 10. my young sdcc crew, 11. cute graff, 12. this was across our hotel, 13. tear drips by travis lampe & marshall by 64 colors, 14. can't resist the, 15. i say gryffindor but i could be wrong, 16. brandt peters minis

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