*moved from my old blog*
one of the best things i've ever purchased is this original oil painting from the 80s. it's hard to make out the signature and year but we think it's dated 1983. i'm not a big fan of cats (sorry cat lover friends!) but there is something so mesmerizing about the girl and her cat. C and i broke our rule about buying art from thrift stores, i really had to have this canvas. can you believe it was only $3.95? SCORE!
i also liked this book when i was in elementary school. i wonder if kids still like it... i couldn't pass it up for $1.95
and i almost bought this pair of silver glitter heels for $7.95 but the glitter was rubbing off in some spots so i passed on it. but when i got home i was feeling regret at not buying them for the sparklecorn party during blogher! now that i think of it, it'll be crowded and dark so no one would have even noticed the missing glitter!

Labels: Art, Thrift Scores, Thrifting, Today's Scores, Where The Sidewalk Ends