Vice x Terry Richardson "Tons Of Fun" Shoot

*moved from my old blog*

as an in-betweenie (on the border of being "regular" sized and plus-size), i was shocked about the huge uproar regarding the ever-so-controversial photographer terry richardson shoot for vice magazine's annual photo issue called "tons of fun" - the shoot uses plus size models in all of their glory - untouched by photoshop. some call it degrading and others (like me) call it empowering. the shoot is NOT classy (as many claim it should be) but if you know terry richardson, classy is far from his style. terry is known best for shooting in front of a white wall with various 35mm & point and shoot digital cameras. this is what he does.  i'm really overwhelmed by how the fatshion community reacts to some shit.  why so serious?! i don't know terry nor do i know any of the models but from watching the video, it looked like everyone had a good time. the models obviously answered some sort of casting call and weren't forced into posing. are these women victims? no. should these women be made to feel guilty/ashamed/embarrassed for doing this shoot? NO! now if terry shot these women posing with donuts or bacon then yes, i would definitely call the shoot tasteless and degrading but let's keep it real - let's applaud these women for being PROUD OF THEIR BODIES! as i was writing this, i came across vice's response... read it. VICE Tons of Fun Photoshoot from Terry Richardson on Vimeo.

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raised by culture: Vice x Terry Richardson "Tons Of Fun" Shoot

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vice x Terry Richardson "Tons Of Fun" Shoot

*moved from my old blog*

as an in-betweenie (on the border of being "regular" sized and plus-size), i was shocked about the huge uproar regarding the ever-so-controversial photographer terry richardson shoot for vice magazine's annual photo issue called "tons of fun" - the shoot uses plus size models in all of their glory - untouched by photoshop. some call it degrading and others (like me) call it empowering. the shoot is NOT classy (as many claim it should be) but if you know terry richardson, classy is far from his style. terry is known best for shooting in front of a white wall with various 35mm & point and shoot digital cameras. this is what he does.  i'm really overwhelmed by how the fatshion community reacts to some shit.  why so serious?! i don't know terry nor do i know any of the models but from watching the video, it looked like everyone had a good time. the models obviously answered some sort of casting call and weren't forced into posing. are these women victims? no. should these women be made to feel guilty/ashamed/embarrassed for doing this shoot? NO! now if terry shot these women posing with donuts or bacon then yes, i would definitely call the shoot tasteless and degrading but let's keep it real - let's applaud these women for being PROUD OF THEIR BODIES! as i was writing this, i came across vice's response... read it. VICE Tons of Fun Photoshoot from Terry Richardson on Vimeo.

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