raised by culture

raised by culture: August 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We Are Pregnant!

*moved from my old blog*

chris and i have been discussing having another child for a couple years but because of our busy life already - kids, school and work... we kept putting it off. and then i was looking at turning 36 this year and decided it was time. we originally planned on waiting to try until september/october so that the baby would be born after the spring 2012 semester and we could enjoy the summer together with the boys and the new baby but life is funny and here we are! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!! We are pregnant!!! when we broke the news to duke, he kept telling us that he was proud of us (BIG LOL) and ever since then he'll kiss my tummy and say, "BABY I LOVE YOU" - it is the sweetest thing. he has been asking a lot of questions (to which we answer everything honestly) and knows that the baby is still very tiny. damien is happy and ty was stunned but happy. i'm just taking this pregnancy one day at a time and enjoying it.  with every pregnancy, i cut out caffeine, didn't get my hair or nails done, went to bed early every night and kept the stress to a minimum.  i will be seeing the doctor next month and we'll know more then but for now, since we were planning - i'm guessing that i'm only a month along and due sometime in april or may ^_^

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