Disclosure: #runawaytovegas is a media trip, all travel, food and activities were sponsored. All thoughts are my own.
I can finally cross
The Neon Museum off my life list. Ever since Audrey danced with cousin Vickie on the signs in Vegas Vacation I've wanted to visit. You cannot go to Vegas without seeing the museum... it is magical. Vintage Vegas was where the action was at - the history is exciting and seeing pieces up close really puts you in that era. Or maybe it was me lost in my thoughts while walking the grounds... Tours are guided so you pretty much stay with the group - as long as you are in the docent's sight. Our time spent there was too short so next time I'm in town, I'll be visiting again. I just have to! Maybe I'll do a night tour - anxious to see the place lit up!
Moulin Rouge sign moved around to say "in love"

Random letters and signs

From the Stardust
Me at the end of the tour, bye!
Labels: #runawaytovegas, Signs, The Neon Museum, Travel, Vintage Vegas