Shooting Glocks & Uzis With My Girls At Gun Garage #runawaytovegas

Disclosure:  #runawaytovegas is a media trip, all travel, food and activities were sponsored.  All thoughts are my own.

Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
I get that this post is borderline controversial to some but don't be ignorant, read it anyway..  Life is not black and white, it's not things you read in a book.  It is intense and real.  I wanted to experience shooting a gun with a trained professional in a safe environment.  What I got out of shooting at Gun Garage was deep.  A deeper learning lesson than I had imagined and trust me, I played the pros and cons about doing this in my head many times before our trip.  I could've cancelled, I could've got cold feet but I wanted to do this rite of passage.  I can't explain my personal learning lesson (a big time aha moment), it is something you have to experience for yourself.  And I had fun (totally don't want to downplay that) it was a complete adrenaline rush that would keep me on my toes all day.    

My dad (who had been affectionally nicknamed Charles Bronson by friends) taught me gun safety when I was a kid.  He had guns everywhere but because he took the time to talk to me about the danger of them, I stayed away.  I didn't wanna have anything to do with them.  Guns are scary.  He taught me to shoot a gun when I was 14, my mom was going with my baby sister to Guam to visit my sick nana in the hospital and I would be left alone with my 10 year old brother while my dad was at work.  Life was different back then, I was responsible for watching my siblings since I was 10 years old.  I would never leave my kids alone at 10 years old in this day and age.  He's a Greyhound bus driver so he would be gone for a couple days.  These were our real life situations.  I was a scared kid but prepared.  Thank God I never had to use it.

I would never touch a gun till 10 years later when I was in my mid-20s.  I used a rifle while we were camping and busted my eye.  I busted my eye because I didn't have any training - I wasn't standing firm and holding the piece safely.  It was all my fault.  

Here's the thing, too many kids and adults don't understand the end all power behind a gun.  We need to keep this dialogue open.  I felt comfortable and safe at Gun Garage, definitely trusting the staff with my life (like I did my dad when I was 14).  I would definitely do it again.  I want to do it again.  I highly recommend Gun Garage for your first time or to sharpen up your skills.

Things You Should Know About Gun Garage:  

The zombie targets are popular
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
Julie is a damn good shot.  Watch out!
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
AJ decimated that target with that uzi
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
When you have a good instructor and you LISTEN, you will get your shot.

Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
Free shuttle to and from our hotel!
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
AJ took this amazing video of Julie.  Just watch it.
The last Sunday of every month customers can participate in a free gun safety course taught by National Rifle Association Certified Instructors that promotes safe firearm handling, safe firearm storage, how to select the right firearm for your purpose and safe firearm maintenance.

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raised by culture: Shooting Glocks & Uzis With My Girls At Gun Garage #runawaytovegas

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Shooting Glocks & Uzis With My Girls At Gun Garage #runawaytovegas

Disclosure:  #runawaytovegas is a media trip, all travel, food and activities were sponsored.  All thoughts are my own.

Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
I get that this post is borderline controversial to some but don't be ignorant, read it anyway..  Life is not black and white, it's not things you read in a book.  It is intense and real.  I wanted to experience shooting a gun with a trained professional in a safe environment.  What I got out of shooting at Gun Garage was deep.  A deeper learning lesson than I had imagined and trust me, I played the pros and cons about doing this in my head many times before our trip.  I could've cancelled, I could've got cold feet but I wanted to do this rite of passage.  I can't explain my personal learning lesson (a big time aha moment), it is something you have to experience for yourself.  And I had fun (totally don't want to downplay that) it was a complete adrenaline rush that would keep me on my toes all day.    

My dad (who had been affectionally nicknamed Charles Bronson by friends) taught me gun safety when I was a kid.  He had guns everywhere but because he took the time to talk to me about the danger of them, I stayed away.  I didn't wanna have anything to do with them.  Guns are scary.  He taught me to shoot a gun when I was 14, my mom was going with my baby sister to Guam to visit my sick nana in the hospital and I would be left alone with my 10 year old brother while my dad was at work.  Life was different back then, I was responsible for watching my siblings since I was 10 years old.  I would never leave my kids alone at 10 years old in this day and age.  He's a Greyhound bus driver so he would be gone for a couple days.  These were our real life situations.  I was a scared kid but prepared.  Thank God I never had to use it.

I would never touch a gun till 10 years later when I was in my mid-20s.  I used a rifle while we were camping and busted my eye.  I busted my eye because I didn't have any training - I wasn't standing firm and holding the piece safely.  It was all my fault.  

Here's the thing, too many kids and adults don't understand the end all power behind a gun.  We need to keep this dialogue open.  I felt comfortable and safe at Gun Garage, definitely trusting the staff with my life (like I did my dad when I was 14).  I would definitely do it again.  I want to do it again.  I highly recommend Gun Garage for your first time or to sharpen up your skills.

Things You Should Know About Gun Garage:  

  • Bring your ID 
  • Packages start at $99.95
  • Book online - you get bonus rounds and you get to preview packages
  • You do not have to pick a package, you can rent the guns you want to shoot
  • Check for specials - there is currently one on there to shoot a grenade launcher for $25!
  • The gun selection at Gun Garage is amazing.  If you are a Southern California local, you won't find many of their guns here.  

The zombie targets are popular
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
Julie is a damn good shot.  Watch out!
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
AJ decimated that target with that uzi
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
When you have a good instructor and you LISTEN, you will get your shot.

Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
Free shuttle to and from our hotel!
Guns & Ammo Garage #runawaytovegas
AJ took this amazing video of Julie.  Just watch it.
The last Sunday of every month customers can participate in a free gun safety course taught by National Rifle Association Certified Instructors that promotes safe firearm handling, safe firearm storage, how to select the right firearm for your purpose and safe firearm maintenance.

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At January 18, 2014 at 8:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A GRENADE LAUNCHER?! Let's go back. Right now.

At January 19, 2014 at 11:43 AM , Blogger Melanie said...

I went to Guns and Ammo Garage on my trip to Vegas. First time using a gun...turns out I'm a pretty good shot!

At January 19, 2014 at 8:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting I grew up shooting bibi guns but i mean it was shooting a can. I would be open to trying this out on an adventure without the kids. Love the learning experience

At January 21, 2014 at 1:34 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun, amiga. I'm not a big fan of keeping guns, but would consider going to a shooting range to learn to shoot one.


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