Disclosure: We were invited to The Nut Job premiere. All thoughts are my own.
I used to get excited seeing squirrels. Cute little creatures from afar but then you come across one that gives you the death stare and you are traumatized forever. I have had a "squirrels are crazy" theory for awhile now and seeing The Nut Job just confirmed what I always thought. Not only are squirrels cute but they have jobs and goals let me tell you. I thought they just had a bit of ADHD but it turns out, they are on missions... Some of them (just like we humans) are set in their ways but when it comes to the big picture, with a little teamwork - they make the perfectly imperfect family.
My 8 year old Duke says, "The Nut Job is a movie about a bunch of squirrels trying to survive the Winter and there's a squirrel that seems like he's the bad guy but turns into a good guy." My 20 month old Omie was mesmerized during the whole movie (he sat still and kept the Real 3D glasses on) and when the commercial comes on at home, he points at the tv and laughs.
After the premiere, we were invited to attend a Q & A with The Moms Melissa and Denise along with Will Arnett (the voice of Surly) and Katherine Heigl (the voice of Andie). They were quite adorable and funny in person. When Katherine was walking in, she glanced down at Omie in his stroller and said, "Hi baby!" - I think I'm a forever fan now. I made a couple videos on Instagram of the q&a here and here. The Nut Job opens in theaters January 17th, get out and see it!

Labels: #NutJobMamarazzi, Katherine Heigl, Kids Movie, Squirrels, The Nut Job, Will Arnett