What Bloggers Want For Valentine's Day

I was thinking about gifts I want for Valentine's Day when I realized that everything on my list was blog related.  Thats the life of a blogger!  This is the big list - I'd settle for a few things off the list.  No rush, its open for my Birthday and Christmas too!  

I asked my blogger friends what blog related gifts they would love to receive on Valentine's Day --- the big winner:  Canon cameras!  

I would love to attend Alt Summit with my amiga Xenia because we deserve an adventure this year. It would make the perfect gift for me because my creative mind needs all the inspiration it can get!  Plus who wouldn't want to spend a weekend away with their friend? -Ruby of Growing Up Blackxican

As a food blogger, this KitchenAid Artisan in Boysenberry is on my list of most desired gifts for Valentine's Day. What could possibly be more romantic that this beautiful machine in that gorgous color, perfect for this romantic holiday?

On my list of most desired gifts for Valentine's Day is this Canon EOS Rebel T3i. This camera could make even the most ordinary foods look amazing for my blog, and the bonus is the photos I could get of the rest of my family with it too! -From the Kitchen of Mama Harris

As a food blogger and baker, I'd love something that can go from oven to table seamlessly, not to mention something that would look beautiful in photographs. This Heart-Shaped Casserole from Le Creuset fits the bill perfectly. It's excellent quality from a well-respected brand and not only does it stand the test of time, but it ensures even cooking/baking & makes every dish look like something out of a Julia Child cookbook. -Marilla of Cupcake Rehab

You'll often find me multitasking on various media platforms. I use my smartphone to record videos, take pictures and tweet. That's difficult to do simultaneously. I'm attending the Oz: The Great and Powerful junket and I would love to record the interviews with a voice recorder. The Philips LFH0655 has excellent ratings and the price isn't through the roof! This is on the top of my Valentine's Day Blogger wish list!

I need a blog redesign! I would love a fresh new look for That's IT Mommy. The undertaking could be expensive and intimidating! The real issue is that I can't decide on a look or a logo! BUT, it's definitely time for a facelift. -Tee of Thats IT Mommy

It's always important to have the best quality photos on my blog, so having a brand new camera for Valentines Day that does the job would be amazing. The Canon PowerShot is compact, easy to take along with you, not only for photos but video as well. It's the perfect camera to take along and take pictures of my life and the things I love. -Sabz of The Eclectic Grab Bag

What would you love for Valentine's Day?

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raised by culture: What Bloggers Want For Valentine's Day

Friday, February 8, 2013

What Bloggers Want For Valentine's Day

I was thinking about gifts I want for Valentine's Day when I realized that everything on my list was blog related.  Thats the life of a blogger!  This is the big list - I'd settle for a few things off the list.  No rush, its open for my Birthday and Christmas too!  
  • Blog redesign for my one year blogaversary
  • Media Kit
  • The funds to attend Alt with Ruby next year 
  • Brand Ambassadorship 
  • To learn Photoshop 
  • 2 hours of kid-free time per day to work on bloggy thangs
  • A prop and giveaway closet

I asked my blogger friends what blog related gifts they would love to receive on Valentine's Day --- the big winner:  Canon cameras!  

I would love to attend Alt Summit with my amiga Xenia because we deserve an adventure this year. It would make the perfect gift for me because my creative mind needs all the inspiration it can get!  Plus who wouldn't want to spend a weekend away with their friend? -Ruby of Growing Up Blackxican

As a food blogger, this KitchenAid Artisan in Boysenberry is on my list of most desired gifts for Valentine's Day. What could possibly be more romantic that this beautiful machine in that gorgous color, perfect for this romantic holiday?

On my list of most desired gifts for Valentine's Day is this Canon EOS Rebel T3i. This camera could make even the most ordinary foods look amazing for my blog, and the bonus is the photos I could get of the rest of my family with it too! -From the Kitchen of Mama Harris

As a food blogger and baker, I'd love something that can go from oven to table seamlessly, not to mention something that would look beautiful in photographs. This Heart-Shaped Casserole from Le Creuset fits the bill perfectly. It's excellent quality from a well-respected brand and not only does it stand the test of time, but it ensures even cooking/baking & makes every dish look like something out of a Julia Child cookbook. -Marilla of Cupcake Rehab

You'll often find me multitasking on various media platforms. I use my smartphone to record videos, take pictures and tweet. That's difficult to do simultaneously. I'm attending the Oz: The Great and Powerful junket and I would love to record the interviews with a voice recorder. The Philips LFH0655 has excellent ratings and the price isn't through the roof! This is on the top of my Valentine's Day Blogger wish list!

I need a blog redesign! I would love a fresh new look for That's IT Mommy. The undertaking could be expensive and intimidating! The real issue is that I can't decide on a look or a logo! BUT, it's definitely time for a facelift. -Tee of Thats IT Mommy

It's always important to have the best quality photos on my blog, so having a brand new camera for Valentines Day that does the job would be amazing. The Canon PowerShot is compact, easy to take along with you, not only for photos but video as well. It's the perfect camera to take along and take pictures of my life and the things I love. -Sabz of The Eclectic Grab Bag

What would you love for Valentine's Day?

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At February 8, 2013 at 4:10 AM , Blogger Lisa Quinones-Fontanez said...


I want all of these things :)

At February 8, 2013 at 8:16 AM , Blogger Sabz said...

thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome post!

At February 8, 2013 at 10:10 AM , Anonymous Teresa @CATravelGirls said...

Yes! I want all of these. Where is our Fairy Blog Mother? We need to have workshop days for these things! A design your blog day, a photoshop day, a media kit day, etc. Now, if we can find a brand to sponsor these things for us, that would be great!

At February 8, 2013 at 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to learn how to use my Cannon. lol

At February 8, 2013 at 1:54 PM , Blogger Romina said...

You guys totally nailed the list, Xenia. Love it!

At February 8, 2013 at 5:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

A blog redesign would be great! :D love this list.

At February 8, 2013 at 5:50 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I would love everything on this list! But especially the 2-hours a day to work on the blog, without distraction from adorable kids.

At February 8, 2013 at 6:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Copy, Paste... I love your list. I think we all want a new camera! I am dying to get my hands on something more "professional"


At February 8, 2013 at 7:10 PM , Anonymous Maribel said...

Great post!!! I'm totally down with this list. I hadn't heard of Alt. Now I want to go too! I need the camera and you to give me pointers. The mixer has been on my list for a long time, but I fear it's not go for the weight loss goals ;)

At February 9, 2013 at 5:04 AM , Blogger Organized Island said...

Oh I so want one of those Canons! Great list Xenia!

At February 9, 2013 at 9:21 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I love everything I want it all lol I have the canon powershot and I truly love it for my vlogs and even my blog images awesome sauce!

At February 12, 2013 at 1:46 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

If I had a million dollars Id buy you everything on the list xo Also are you guys really thinking of going? Ill go with you! I want to go! *invites self* Are you going to Blogher this year?

At March 3, 2013 at 9:57 PM , Anonymous Digital Recorder said...

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