Is it too soon for another thrifting post? I don't think so! I haven't been thrifting in a couple weeks... was fighting a cold and lost the battle. Homebound for a whole week straight and getting a little stir crazy! I'm hoping to get some fresh air and hit the stores on Tuesday! What have you scored lately?! I would love to see your thrifting posts and hear your stories! Show them hauls!
Found this Vintage Culinary Institute of America Cookbook with wonderful forgotten recipes and gorgeous black & white pictures for .91! I actually bought it for a friend but couldn't part with it.
Pigs In 'Taters anyone? Totally going to try it!

Another Vintage find! I don't want to call it a safe but its not really a recipe box either. The key was inside and I couldn't resist the throwback colors and print! Was only $3!

This was a very fun find for me. I'm always looking for characters and this was a box of 12 but there was only 8. One of them is chipped at the bottom but it gives it a little bit of personality! Was a steal at $2! They are made heavy, doesn't feel like wood and hand painted!

This thrift store is very hit or miss, most of the time miss... they only take cash and we were driving by saw the 50% off everything sign out front, had some cash on us so we decided to stop by. The shop was packed and I could not believe no one picked up these Brand New SaltWater sandals! They fit me perfect, my kind of color and a STEAL at $4!

Snowmen are so cute. We wanted this sad guy in his cute scarf and not-so-perfect nose to come home with us... I turned him over to look for his price and found out he is a Department 56 piece! Scored him for $3!

Vintage cherry glass. I imagine there was a set of 4 but only saw 3. I like even numbers and bought 2. I think they were .99 each

Vintage Santa glass .99 - Somehow I am building a Santa glass collection.

I know... you are wondering what is this and what the hell is she going to do with it. Its a Vintage GE home hair dryer system! The case is awesome. It looks like a round suitcase. I honestly don't know if it works, I don't care - it is in excellent condition. Seriously. Someone either loved this or never used it. I'm not going to use it on me, I'm going to add it to my props collection. It was only $1!!!

My husband and I have been looking for a globe forever. Came across Vintage ones that were pretty scratched up, some were crazy overpriced and found this baby for $5.99! We love it! Duke loves it and always has questions!

DuckTales JELL-O molds still in the package! Was only $1
Have you posted about thrifting, antiquing or shopping at the flea market in the past week? Link up with #talesfromthethrift and share your finds! Share the love with this button!
Labels: Blog Hop, Haul, Link Up, Tales From The Thrift, Thrift Scores, Thrift Shop, Thrifting, Vintage, Vintage Finds, What I Bought