Open House Observations & Other News

Open House was interesting.  There's 5 Kindergarten classes and only Duke's teacher and the teacher next to his class decorated.  It was farm themed.  And they really went all out.

I was talking to Duke's teacher and was rudely interrupted by a parent who wanted to know how her child acts.  Yeah well, take a look at yourself, lady.  You would think they were giving out free tickets to a Raiders game with all the Chola moms that were there.  ( I love Cholas.  I grew up with them and might have been mistaken for one a long time ago. )
Open House
I was amused by several things.
The kids made butter earlier that day and there was a "Butter Journal" and this stick of butter looked suspect to me.  ( I found out a day later that it was my child that actually drew this!  That's what I get for making fun of kids drawings! )
Butter looks a little suspect to me.
Now this was great.  A true classic.  Mother's Day Special uni-brows and witch moles.  I'm in the yellow hat.  Duke made my eyes look glossy!  Maybe I really look that enthusiastic.  #lulz   

We turn in the paperwork to our school district on Monday to release Duke so we can start the process of enrolling him in our county's home independent study program.  Wednesday is when we take a tour of the campus.  It's exciting but I would be lying if I didn't tell you I'm crazy nervous.  We're our children's first teachers so I don't have a problem with that part of homeschooling, I just need reassurance or a sign we're making the right decision.  Chris & I both went to school K-12 and no one in our family circle was homeschooled.  I'm sure after Wednesday I'll be more at ease.  

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raised by culture: Open House Observations & Other News

Monday, June 4, 2012

Open House Observations & Other News

Open House was interesting.  There's 5 Kindergarten classes and only Duke's teacher and the teacher next to his class decorated.  It was farm themed.  And they really went all out.

I was talking to Duke's teacher and was rudely interrupted by a parent who wanted to know how her child acts.  Yeah well, take a look at yourself, lady.  You would think they were giving out free tickets to a Raiders game with all the Chola moms that were there.  ( I love Cholas.  I grew up with them and might have been mistaken for one a long time ago. )
Open House
I was amused by several things.
The kids made butter earlier that day and there was a "Butter Journal" and this stick of butter looked suspect to me.  ( I found out a day later that it was my child that actually drew this!  That's what I get for making fun of kids drawings! )
Butter looks a little suspect to me.
Now this was great.  A true classic.  Mother's Day Special uni-brows and witch moles.  I'm in the yellow hat.  Duke made my eyes look glossy!  Maybe I really look that enthusiastic.  #lulz   

We turn in the paperwork to our school district on Monday to release Duke so we can start the process of enrolling him in our county's home independent study program.  Wednesday is when we take a tour of the campus.  It's exciting but I would be lying if I didn't tell you I'm crazy nervous.  We're our children's first teachers so I don't have a problem with that part of homeschooling, I just need reassurance or a sign we're making the right decision.  Chris & I both went to school K-12 and no one in our family circle was homeschooled.  I'm sure after Wednesday I'll be more at ease.  

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At June 4, 2012 at 11:31 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

i know duke is going to excel at home schooling because he's learned so much with the two of you. main reason you're pulling him out of public school is cause he's advanced compared to other kids. i've heard your stories where his homework requires him to do something minimal and you guys have taught him to go over and beyond!! can't wait to see how it all works out..i know it's going to be very rewarding!

smh@chola mothers! no effing shame!!


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