Duke's Thrift Scores

I always go thrifting with my Husband.  It's a rare occasion when the kids come along because we hit the stores early in the morning during the week.  When I was pregnant we could browse for hours, not so much now with a newborn.  A couple Saturdays ago, on a whim, we decided to hit the thrift stores and it paid off - Duke found a Barrel of Monkeys, Travel Hungry Hungry Hippos and 4 books for about $5 - All of the stuff was in like new condition.  The real score was that he actually enjoyed thrifting!  He's always been good when we go out but the fact that he had fun makes me happy!  More adventures in thrifting for us!

Q: Do you take your kids thrifting?  What are some of their favorite finds?
Duke's Thrift Scores


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raised by culture: Duke's Thrift Scores

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Duke's Thrift Scores

I always go thrifting with my Husband.  It's a rare occasion when the kids come along because we hit the stores early in the morning during the week.  When I was pregnant we could browse for hours, not so much now with a newborn.  A couple Saturdays ago, on a whim, we decided to hit the thrift stores and it paid off - Duke found a Barrel of Monkeys, Travel Hungry Hungry Hippos and 4 books for about $5 - All of the stuff was in like new condition.  The real score was that he actually enjoyed thrifting!  He's always been good when we go out but the fact that he had fun makes me happy!  More adventures in thrifting for us!

Q: Do you take your kids thrifting?  What are some of their favorite finds?
Duke's Thrift Scores


  • Go early.  Even though a lot of the stores tend to continue to stock during the day, our best scores have been made early.  
  • Plan your route.  I have specific sections I check out first.  I do a quick drive-by and then return later to take a deeper look.    
  • Don't have expectations.  Thrift stores aren't stocked like Target or Walmart so don't go thrifting expecting to find things you want or in your size or favorite color.  Be open-minded and creative.  And remember that most items are quantity: 1 so don't sleep on buying what you want.  
  • Hold onto items in your cart or basket.  I put down a cloche because I couldn't decide if I wanted to pay $5.95 for it, looked around the shop for about 20 minutes, went back to get it before we were going to check-out and it was GONE.  I was bummed so now I keep everything in my cart and decide at the end what I want.
  • If you see something you want, buy it because it won't be there again.  

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At June 3, 2012 at 12:09 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

sweet find duke!

At June 3, 2012 at 11:33 PM , Blogger Longuette said...

I'd like to congratulate! you have all my admiration: 30yo, 4 boys and working + keeping wiht the blog? that's stunning!
sounds like you are Wonderwoman ;-)

jokes apart, this is absolutely amazing!

Love, Ylenia from Longuette

At June 4, 2012 at 3:22 PM , Blogger Cap Creations said...

How fun that he got lots of goodies too! My boys lately do like going with me. I think they have figured that their dollar can REALLY stretch at a thrift compared to target/walmart. Thanks for joining us at Cap Creations.

At June 7, 2012 at 5:16 PM , Blogger Colleen @ Mommy Panda said...

Haha I do the cart thing too! I go thrifting with my son all the time, but he's two, so he doesn't really pick out anything. He likes the toy sections though! My husband NEVER goes; he hates shopping anywhere.

At June 18, 2012 at 1:22 PM , Blogger Chrissy said...

really great tips! especially the one about keeping undecideds with you in the cart... i always get to the end of my trip and then begin to edit, edit, edit.

At February 6, 2013 at 10:46 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Awesome! I'm bummed for you for not finding the cloche you picked up n put down. Lesson learned I will keep it all with me! Thanks again amiga loving the tips!


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