Talenti Plastic Jar x DIY Brown Sugar Scrub

Carol's Daughter Brown Sugar Scrub is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
But I'm cheap and I really dislike paying $34 for a 12 oz. jar.  It's worth it but it's not a luxury I have anymore having a newborn and three other growing boys. Who all love clothes.  And shoes.  

So last year, I googled DIY Brown Sugar Scrub and found a few recipes but always lagged on finding the right container.  I finally found a cute jar but it was glass and when I got home, I realized glass in the shower just wouldn't work.    

And then a few weeks ago, by the power of persuasion aka Instagram... I saw Sea Salt Caramel Talenti Gelato on my feed and had to try it.  It was sooo delicious but the container was just as sweet.  I knew it would be perfect to finally make brown sugar scrub!

Brown Sugar Scrub Ingredients
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sweet almond oil
1 teaspoon essential oil ( use whatever scent you want )
( You can also add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and/or 1 tablespoon honey.  I hear Vitamin E oil is great too. )

DIY Brown Sugar Scrub
Combine oils, add brown sugar, mix well.

That was easy!  I read you can use olive oil or EVOO - that's entirely up to you.  I purchased a 16 oz. bottle of sweet almond oil ($7.99) and 1 oz. of peppermint oil ($5.59) on eBay from GNC with free shipping.  I already had brown sugar and I recycled the jar.  So for about 8 ounces of sugar scrub I spent about $3 vs. $34!  The only smell that exists is the peppermint but it's really faint.  If you are wondering why I chose peppermint, it's because I read it's good for headaches and wanted to have multiple uses for it.

Update: I found C & H Washed Raw Sugar and it is so much bigger/thicker than Brown Sugar!  Love it!  
Recycling Talenti container :)
I already scrubbed my feet down and made Chris feel 'em - he said they were so soft!  And they are, I feel like I got an hour foot rub at the spa!    
This would make a great gift!  And since it's that time of the year - great for teachers and Father's Day!

Weekend Bloggy Reading

190196_Get Ready for Spring with FREE Shipping on Orders Over $75 from C.O. Bigelow Chemists!
Disclosure: I paid for all of the above items out of my own pocket.  The opinions stated are my own.  The links in this post are not affiliated.  

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raised by culture: Talenti Plastic Jar x DIY Brown Sugar Scrub

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Talenti Plastic Jar x DIY Brown Sugar Scrub

Carol's Daughter Brown Sugar Scrub is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
But I'm cheap and I really dislike paying $34 for a 12 oz. jar.  It's worth it but it's not a luxury I have anymore having a newborn and three other growing boys. Who all love clothes.  And shoes.  

So last year, I googled DIY Brown Sugar Scrub and found a few recipes but always lagged on finding the right container.  I finally found a cute jar but it was glass and when I got home, I realized glass in the shower just wouldn't work.    

And then a few weeks ago, by the power of persuasion aka Instagram... I saw Sea Salt Caramel Talenti Gelato on my feed and had to try it.  It was sooo delicious but the container was just as sweet.  I knew it would be perfect to finally make brown sugar scrub!

Brown Sugar Scrub Ingredients
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sweet almond oil
1 teaspoon essential oil ( use whatever scent you want )
( You can also add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and/or 1 tablespoon honey.  I hear Vitamin E oil is great too. )

DIY Brown Sugar Scrub
Combine oils, add brown sugar, mix well.

That was easy!  I read you can use olive oil or EVOO - that's entirely up to you.  I purchased a 16 oz. bottle of sweet almond oil ($7.99) and 1 oz. of peppermint oil ($5.59) on eBay from GNC with free shipping.  I already had brown sugar and I recycled the jar.  So for about 8 ounces of sugar scrub I spent about $3 vs. $34!  The only smell that exists is the peppermint but it's really faint.  If you are wondering why I chose peppermint, it's because I read it's good for headaches and wanted to have multiple uses for it.

Update: I found C & H Washed Raw Sugar and it is so much bigger/thicker than Brown Sugar!  Love it!  
Recycling Talenti container :)
I already scrubbed my feet down and made Chris feel 'em - he said they were so soft!  And they are, I feel like I got an hour foot rub at the spa!    
This would make a great gift!  And since it's that time of the year - great for teachers and Father's Day!

Weekend Bloggy Reading

190196_Get Ready for Spring with FREE Shipping on Orders Over $75 from C.O. Bigelow Chemists!
Disclosure: I paid for all of the above items out of my own pocket.  The opinions stated are my own.  The links in this post are not affiliated.  

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At May 25, 2012 at 8:35 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Very cool I'll have to try this! Perhaps an early father's day foot scrub for the hubs! lol

At May 28, 2012 at 2:29 PM , Blogger Brandi said...

Love Talenti! The blood orange sorbetto is my favorite. Thanks for sharing your sugar scrub mixture. I'd love to make a batch of my own.

At May 30, 2012 at 10:03 AM , Blogger pearmama said...

Pinning right now, girlfriend.

At May 30, 2012 at 10:05 AM , Blogger pearmama said...

Ok for some reason it won't let me pin your scrub images. Sad face.

At May 30, 2012 at 4:32 PM , Blogger 2twentythree said...

I'm still trying to locate a jar of Talenti, lol. I've been wanting to try it after everyone has been raving about it... and hey I like your reduce, reuse, recycle out of it ;)

At June 1, 2012 at 8:25 AM , Blogger Rachael said...

This sounds immense - I too hate how much a scrub can cost and at least this way we know what's going into it. Going to try this out!

At October 29, 2012 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long does this stuff keep (stay fresh) before it needs to be tossed?? I was looking at other recipes earlier and some said 2 months, one said 2 weeks (different recipes than this one I mean). I'd hate to make a big batch and have it go rancid in a week. lol (especially if I'm giving them away for Christmas gifts. :D


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