Birth of a Prince.

We have a little night routine, you & I, Omar.
I bundle you up - Duke says, "You are snug as a bug"
and we head to the kitchen.
I turn on the water and rock you back & forth till you fall asleep.
Sometimes your big brother Duke will sit on a stool and laugh because he can't believe this will help you sleep.
You can't imagine how much I enjoy this moment.  

Omar Theodore was born on April 21st at 8:08pm - He weighed in at 8 pounds 13 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.  He wasn't even my biggest baby!  The first Nurse we asked said Omar was born at 8:13pm but another Nurse corrected her.  8 is mine and my Husband's favorite number.  We were married on 8/8/8.  Some things are just meant to be.

My pregnancy had a few bumps and my labor & delivery had it's bruises but in the end, all the tears and pain were worth our beautiful little boy.  I could go on about how we went through a down syndrome scare, the lab's mix-up about diabetes, how the asshole Anesthesiologist poked the bones in my spine three times, my epidural wore off an hour before I gave birth, Omar had the cord wrapped around his neck TWICE and the first week of his life spent fighting jaundice but let's not.  Let's celebrate the birth of our baby!  We're so happy to have the last piece in our puzzle, you complete us baby.

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raised by culture: Birth of a Prince.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Birth of a Prince.

We have a little night routine, you & I, Omar.
I bundle you up - Duke says, "You are snug as a bug"
and we head to the kitchen.
I turn on the water and rock you back & forth till you fall asleep.
Sometimes your big brother Duke will sit on a stool and laugh because he can't believe this will help you sleep.
You can't imagine how much I enjoy this moment.  

Omar Theodore was born on April 21st at 8:08pm - He weighed in at 8 pounds 13 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.  He wasn't even my biggest baby!  The first Nurse we asked said Omar was born at 8:13pm but another Nurse corrected her.  8 is mine and my Husband's favorite number.  We were married on 8/8/8.  Some things are just meant to be.

My pregnancy had a few bumps and my labor & delivery had it's bruises but in the end, all the tears and pain were worth our beautiful little boy.  I could go on about how we went through a down syndrome scare, the lab's mix-up about diabetes, how the asshole Anesthesiologist poked the bones in my spine three times, my epidural wore off an hour before I gave birth, Omar had the cord wrapped around his neck TWICE and the first week of his life spent fighting jaundice but let's not.  Let's celebrate the birth of our baby!  We're so happy to have the last piece in our puzzle, you complete us baby.

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At May 2, 2012 at 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to the world Omar!
can't wait to hear more about you!
<3 u!

At May 3, 2012 at 1:39 PM , Blogger I'm just a Miami Girl said...



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