A week till my due date...

7 days. I can't believe it's already here. 39 weeks of being pregnant flew by.

This pregnancy has been full of emotions, I thought my first 2 would be it and then Duke came along and we wanted more. We still want more kids but sadly, I'm knocking on 40's door (in another 3 years) and financially, we can't do it. I always wonder how my Grandparents did it, in another time, in another place - they were able to raise 6 kids. That's not the case these days and it's sad.

Because I was 36 when I got pregnant with this one, I had to go through Genetics Counseling and additional screenings. I was advised to have an Amnio done. We declined. There was no way we were going to put ourselves through a potential miscarriage, especially since this one would be our last one. Whatever God had planned for us, we would deal with.

I had morning sickness with this pregnancy and with my other 3 boys I didn't so I thought there was a possibility this would be our girl. All we cared about was that our baby would be healthy but I couldn't resist shopping the baby girls section, there were so much cute stuff! When I had to see a Specialist in my 6th month, he confirmed that we were very much having another boy. All the super cute girls clothes and shoes had to be returned and we started shopping for a boy.

I've been active and busy with this pregnancy, in the beginning because of the morning sickness, I actually lost weight but I went on early Maternity leave at the end of January because of drama at work and started to gain weight. I've gained about 20 pounds and it is all in my belly. This baby has been so busy and I can feel everything he does. He loves hearing Duke's voice and usually reacts when Daddy is around.

We're so grateful to our friends that have sent the baby gifts - We're so happy to have you in our lives.

We took a tour of the Hospital on Wednesday and it really kicked up my emotions. He's going to be here. Any day now. I need my rest. Chris needs his rest. I can't wait till I can look into his eyes, hear that beautiful first cry, smell his toes, kiss his feet, hope he grabs my finger... I can't wait for you baby. We are so excited for your arrival. You can't imagine how much we love you.

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raised by culture: A week till my due date...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A week till my due date...

7 days. I can't believe it's already here. 39 weeks of being pregnant flew by.

This pregnancy has been full of emotions, I thought my first 2 would be it and then Duke came along and we wanted more. We still want more kids but sadly, I'm knocking on 40's door (in another 3 years) and financially, we can't do it. I always wonder how my Grandparents did it, in another time, in another place - they were able to raise 6 kids. That's not the case these days and it's sad.

Because I was 36 when I got pregnant with this one, I had to go through Genetics Counseling and additional screenings. I was advised to have an Amnio done. We declined. There was no way we were going to put ourselves through a potential miscarriage, especially since this one would be our last one. Whatever God had planned for us, we would deal with.

I had morning sickness with this pregnancy and with my other 3 boys I didn't so I thought there was a possibility this would be our girl. All we cared about was that our baby would be healthy but I couldn't resist shopping the baby girls section, there were so much cute stuff! When I had to see a Specialist in my 6th month, he confirmed that we were very much having another boy. All the super cute girls clothes and shoes had to be returned and we started shopping for a boy.

I've been active and busy with this pregnancy, in the beginning because of the morning sickness, I actually lost weight but I went on early Maternity leave at the end of January because of drama at work and started to gain weight. I've gained about 20 pounds and it is all in my belly. This baby has been so busy and I can feel everything he does. He loves hearing Duke's voice and usually reacts when Daddy is around.

We're so grateful to our friends that have sent the baby gifts - We're so happy to have you in our lives.

We took a tour of the Hospital on Wednesday and it really kicked up my emotions. He's going to be here. Any day now. I need my rest. Chris needs his rest. I can't wait till I can look into his eyes, hear that beautiful first cry, smell his toes, kiss his feet, hope he grabs my finger... I can't wait for you baby. We are so excited for your arrival. You can't imagine how much we love you.

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At April 7, 2012 at 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder how my moms folks made it back in the day with nine females when nowadays ppl can't make it with two kids. i think it's wonderful that you have brought three boys and one more on the way to our world. you have such a kind heart and such an open mind that you're kids get that and so much more. you're a wonderful mommy and everyone whose life youve touched is srsly blessed!! you're last paragraph made me super emotional..felt like I was at Walgreens, in the card section lol
love you all mucho and I can't wait to see baby peanut and his cute wittle feeeets!!

At April 16, 2012 at 1:55 PM , Blogger venus g. said...

I love your posts
This one made my heart all fluttery


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