The Secret Package.

After a few weeks of unsuccessful attempts at finding our 6 year old Duke a pen pal because he wants mail, we decided to make him a package filled with lots of love and care. This took a lot of thinking on our part... mainly, what types of things would be fun, thoughtful and special to him. This package isn't only because he wants mail but because he's at 190 sight words when he only needed to learn 25 to pass Kindergarten! He's already at 1st Grade level! We are so proud!

We came up with this list:
We started looking for these items on eBay and etsy but some were so pricey that I decided to enlist some friends on Facebook to help. We also found some other random, fun items while out shopping: Ring Pops and Revell Jet Glider. It's taking time to put together, it's not like we can just walk into Walmart and that's it.

The only "Toy Kit" that was similar to what we're trying to make was found on etsy for $15 by ArtyDidact. I think it's super cute but not personal enough for our son.
P.S. Do not Google: Toy Kit

Have you seen any cute "Toy Kits" out there?
Would you make one for your child(ren)?

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raised by culture: The Secret Package.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Secret Package.

After a few weeks of unsuccessful attempts at finding our 6 year old Duke a pen pal because he wants mail, we decided to make him a package filled with lots of love and care. This took a lot of thinking on our part... mainly, what types of things would be fun, thoughtful and special to him. This package isn't only because he wants mail but because he's at 190 sight words when he only needed to learn 25 to pass Kindergarten! He's already at 1st Grade level! We are so proud!

We came up with this list:
  • Coins from Mexico & The Philippines - He's been learning about coins & Presidents at school and has one of each coin from the US and a couple from Japan. Since he is part Mexican and Filipino, we knew that these coins would be special and important for him to have.
  • Postcard from Hawaii - He's a huge Toy Story fan. He has been on a kick where he's always asking to visit Hawaii and finally saw Toy Story Hawaiian Vacation. We're thinking of getting the postcard and having Daddy sign it as Woody & Buzz.
  • Chicago Bulls buttons - He loves the Bulls and this would look so cute on one of his hoodies.
  • Plastic Ladybug - He came home from school with a plastic frog that he named Mr. Toy Frog and insists that the frog needs a girlfriend.
  • Statue of Liberty Lego Minifig - Another subject that has come up in school and he loves Lego.
  • Four Leaf Clover - He's been trying to look for one in our yard but no success!
  • A book by his favorite Authors: David Shannon or Jonathan London
We started looking for these items on eBay and etsy but some were so pricey that I decided to enlist some friends on Facebook to help. We also found some other random, fun items while out shopping: Ring Pops and Revell Jet Glider. It's taking time to put together, it's not like we can just walk into Walmart and that's it.

The only "Toy Kit" that was similar to what we're trying to make was found on etsy for $15 by ArtyDidact. I think it's super cute but not personal enough for our son.
P.S. Do not Google: Toy Kit

Have you seen any cute "Toy Kits" out there?
Would you make one for your child(ren)?

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At March 8, 2012 at 8:34 PM , Anonymous Inland Empirical said...

I asked a coworker if his son would be interested in corresponding, but his child is only 5 and struggles to put a sentence together on paper. Maybe with a little more time.
I think I can help you out with the Hawaii postcard if still needed.

At March 8, 2012 at 8:38 PM , Anonymous Xenia said...

Aww Thanks! Duke is happy with a drawing and one sentence actually lol He really just wants to get mail and send mail out - He likes shopping at the .99 store too so yeah, let me know! I just bought and paid for one on eBay earlier - you would be shocked at the prices they go for! :EEK


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