Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Everywhere Society.
I debated downplaying this post so I wouldn't come off as too much of a fangirl but there is just no downplaying Chef Wolfgang Puck. He is passionate about what he does and is crazy funny. It was a dream come true to attend a Macy's Culinary Council cooking demo by the icon himself. I tend to think of myself as worldly but came to the realization a few months ago that there are some things I just haven't eaten yet. I promised myself that I would try anything that came in front of me. At least once so I could say I tried ______. When I got to the Macy's Home kitchen on Saturday, I saw huge cuts of fish on the counter. Ew. Fish. I knew one was salmon and I had never had salmon in my life. Tuna in sushi or sandwiches is usually as far as I go and then the rare instances when I was a kid and my parents convinced me to eat fried fish. On the bone, with their eyes wide open. (I think somehow they traumatized me back then about fish - all your fault mom!)
I flipped through the recipe pages provided by Chef Wolfgang Puck and Macy's Culinary Council. The salmon dish sounded fancy - Crispy Potato Galette with Dill Cream, Smoked Salmon and Sturgeon, and Osetra Caviar. I had a quick pep talk in my head and decided, I would go for it. I had to. This was Chef Wolfgang Puck's recipe. I was sitting in the front row - what if he saw me deny his dish or worse, spit it out? Not a good look.
Chef came out, we all went crazy clapping and smiling like maniacs. He started his first dish and just my luck, it was the galette. I was sweating in my seat. I couldn't concentrate. He barely started frying up the potatoes and the sample was served. I took a picture, said a prayer and went for it. Thank goodness for the different textures and tastes, it was full of delicious magic. This will be an experience I will remember forever. I don't think anything else right now in my little foodie World can top it. Oh and my mom will be so proud that I ate salmon!
Chef Wolfgang Puck in action!

Use a heavy pan for risotto. Chef Wolfgang Puck recommends stainless steel because it cleans easy and no hotspots. Use cheap white wine. You only need it for the acidity. Buy cheap cold pressed oil - no need for the fancy stuff.

Don't buy grated cheese!

Crispy Potato Galette with Dill Cream, Smoked Salmon and Sturgeon, and Osetra Caviar

Risotto with Sauteed Apple

Roasted Winter Squash Soup with Red Bell Pepper Swirl

Marcos and Christine M. were first in line to meet Chef Wolfgang Puck after the demo!

Labels: Chef Wolfgang Puck, Costa Mesa, Food, Macy's, Macy's Culinary Council, Salmon