There is a 2 year period in my life before I met my husband that I call my eat love pray journey (I plan on talking about this often, in the future, stay tuned). I went to a lot of concerts, traveled, had my own place and ultimately --- found myself. One of the concerts I got dragged to was the Justified & Stripped tour. My younger brother and sister were both huge Christina Aguilera fans and my sister loved Justin Timberlake since 'N Sync. They gave me their version of a makeover which I thought I looked like an older, broker Christina without the wild makeup and hair extensions. I had no idea what I was getting into! The show did not disappoint, it was so full of life and I became an instant Justin Timberlake fan. Electric, sexy, young - things I want to feel at 37 years old. Could an older, now married Justin Timberlake maintain the electric, sexy and young? YES!!
I'll be honest, I was not into Suit & Tie. I thought it didn't fit. But when Justin performed Pusher Love Girl at The Grammys - I was all over that song. And on the 11th when The 20/20 Experience was available to stream for FREE - I got why Suit & Tie fit. You have to listen to the whole album from start to finish for the songs to make sense. It is seamless. While I am nostalgic, I didn't expect the same Justin sound, the grown up JT has aged well, right alongside me. This cd shows that he cares about his same fans by growing and changing with them.
So when I heard The 20/20 Experience was going to be $7 at Walmart - I got it on release day! The special promotion price ends on March 24th so jump on it! You can order The 20/20 Experience on

Justin Timberlake + Chocolate Covered Strawberries were on the menu!

I love how Justin Timberlake's cd looks like an old vinyl record!

Track list - it looks short but the songs are long.

Pusher Love Girl hands down is one of my favorite JT songs. It ranks up there with Cry Me a River, My Love & Dead and Gone.

Inspired by the cd and kicking up feelings of romance - I made ribeye steaks, mashed potatoes with fresh mushroom gravy and steamed veggies for dinner. Followed by those chocolate covered strawberries. Too bad a full tummy put my husband to sleep!

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Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and #JT2020 #cbias #SocialFabric All thoughts are my own. Labels: 20/20, 20/20 at Walmart, 20/20 CD, 20/20 Experience, 20/20 Experience at Walmart, JT is back, Justin Timberlake, Justin Timberlake's new CD