Collective Bias CULTURE is exactly how my family lives. Their core values are my values.
- Innovate, Evolve, And Create -- Be Transparent --- Be Fun Lovin’ and Happy ---- Be Passionate ----- Be Humble ------ Be Frugal and Scrappy
When I heard that Collective Bias was giving away TWELVE full conference sponsorships with their #LuvSoFab Sponsorship Contest I wanted in - I had not found reasonable flights from Southern California to Bentonville, Arkansas ($500 was so out of my price range) and it would save me a big chunk of change.
I want to attend to meet more of the team that inspires, motivates and truly supports me. I heard Chief Social Marketing Officer Ted Rubin speak at Niche Mommy '12 and was so impressed that he knew everyone, shared good stories and had killer socks. This experience would do so much for my blogging career - I can only grow from here on out. I can't wait to learn more about monetizing, SEO, photography, building my brand and community!!!
So here it is... my submission with a baby, a monkey and a blogger impersonation (done with lots of love)! SEE YOU IN ARKANSAS!