Duke gets online on his iPod.
He used to only watch toy reviews and music videos on YouTube. And then he was playing Draw Something with me, his dad and auntie. He would take pictures and make videos. He learned to email me from his dad's account. All so innocent...
...and then he started opening Instagram and trying to find out if I was his Elf on the Shelf! So nosy! At first I thought it was funny and cute until he started calling me out on my pictures!
Duke: Mom, You are the Elf!
Me: No, I'm not
Duke: How do you have that picture when I woke up before you?
Me: I just do
Duke: Yeah cause you took it after you pretended to be the Elf!
Me: Duke I am not the Elf!
Duke: (laughs) Yeah right Mom!
My future detective, I swear! And then I found out he googled me! Okay not me but my blog! I asked him why he googled my blog and he said he wanted to read it. SO FUNNY!
I don't have anything to hide... do you?

Labels: Duke, Elf On The Shelf, Family, Funny, Instagram, Internet, Kids, My 7 Year Old Googles Me