I'm Attending #SoFabCon And Other Blogger Conferences...

There is an explosion of blogger conferences and I want to go to all of them!  Attending blogger conferences is addicting.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  My first blogger conference was BlogHer '11 in San Diego.  I went on a whim and had no idea what to expect.  It just made sense to go since it was in my state and I figured, if I didn't learn anything, it wouldn't be a big loss.  I walked away with some sense of what I wanted to do, what I needed to do to get there and I wanted to learn so much more.

I finally narrowed down the list of conferences I want to attend next year.  It was rough.  I made a list of pros and cons for each one - cost, location, dates, sessions, speakers, brands, parties and friends!  If you have your goals in mind, ask yourself these questions:  Are these sessions for me? (Especially if you are a beginner or advanced)  What do I need to learn?  Will this take me to the next level?  Do I like these brands?  Do I know who these speakers are?  Am I a people person?  Let's face it, you need to work a room.  Make friends with bloggers just like you.  Can you woo the socks off brands?  Make a list of questions that works for you.    

My advice:  You need to spend money to make money.  This is what I tell myself and my husband.  This not only goes for conferences but your brand.  This goes for investing in your own domain and business cards.  Every conference I've attended has been an investment and has definitely helped me grow.     

My Christmas gift was a trip to SoFabCon!  I knew I had to make it to this one but the flights are pricey but because the rooms aren't going to kill my bank account and the early-bird price was only $149, I made magic happen.  I can't wait!  I love working with Social Fabric.  I know I'm going to leave this conference with a notebook full of ideas and inspiration!  

Here is a list of cool conferences that I would love to attend - In order by date.  

alt Design Summit www.altitudesummit.com January 23-26 Salt Lake City
Blissdom blissdomconference.com March 21-23 Dallas
Hispanicize www.hispanicizeevent.com April 9-13 Miami
BBC Phoenix bbcphoenix2013.eventbrite.com April 12-13 Phoenix, AZ
SNAP snapconference.com April 18-20 Salt Lake City
Mom 2.0 Summit www.mom2summit.com May 2-4 Laguna Niguel, CA
Camp Blogaway www.campblogaway.com May 24-26 San Bernadino, CA
Elevate elevateblogconference.blogspot.com May 11 Huntington Beach, CA
evo evoconference.com (Unfortunately this conference has been cancelled)
Niche Mommy www.thenichemommy.com (Niche Mommy has been renamed to Niche Parent)
Niche Parent www.thenichemommy.com September 5-7 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 
Blogalicious conference.beblogalicious.com October 3-5 Atlanta, GA
What conferences are you attending this year?

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raised by culture: I'm Attending #SoFabCon And Other Blogger Conferences...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm Attending #SoFabCon And Other Blogger Conferences...

There is an explosion of blogger conferences and I want to go to all of them!  Attending blogger conferences is addicting.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  My first blogger conference was BlogHer '11 in San Diego.  I went on a whim and had no idea what to expect.  It just made sense to go since it was in my state and I figured, if I didn't learn anything, it wouldn't be a big loss.  I walked away with some sense of what I wanted to do, what I needed to do to get there and I wanted to learn so much more.

I finally narrowed down the list of conferences I want to attend next year.  It was rough.  I made a list of pros and cons for each one - cost, location, dates, sessions, speakers, brands, parties and friends!  If you have your goals in mind, ask yourself these questions:  Are these sessions for me? (Especially if you are a beginner or advanced)  What do I need to learn?  Will this take me to the next level?  Do I like these brands?  Do I know who these speakers are?  Am I a people person?  Let's face it, you need to work a room.  Make friends with bloggers just like you.  Can you woo the socks off brands?  Make a list of questions that works for you.    

My advice:  You need to spend money to make money.  This is what I tell myself and my husband.  This not only goes for conferences but your brand.  This goes for investing in your own domain and business cards.  Every conference I've attended has been an investment and has definitely helped me grow.     

My Christmas gift was a trip to SoFabCon!  I knew I had to make it to this one but the flights are pricey but because the rooms aren't going to kill my bank account and the early-bird price was only $149, I made magic happen.  I can't wait!  I love working with Social Fabric.  I know I'm going to leave this conference with a notebook full of ideas and inspiration!  

Here is a list of cool conferences that I would love to attend - In order by date.  

alt Design Summit www.altitudesummit.com January 23-26 Salt Lake City
Blissdom blissdomconference.com March 21-23 Dallas
Hispanicize www.hispanicizeevent.com April 9-13 Miami
BBC Phoenix bbcphoenix2013.eventbrite.com April 12-13 Phoenix, AZ
SNAP snapconference.com April 18-20 Salt Lake City
Mom 2.0 Summit www.mom2summit.com May 2-4 Laguna Niguel, CA
Camp Blogaway www.campblogaway.com May 24-26 San Bernadino, CA
Elevate elevateblogconference.blogspot.com May 11 Huntington Beach, CA
evo evoconference.com (Unfortunately this conference has been cancelled)
Niche Mommy www.thenichemommy.com (Niche Mommy has been renamed to Niche Parent)
Niche Parent www.thenichemommy.com September 5-7 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 
Blogalicious conference.beblogalicious.com October 3-5 Atlanta, GA
What conferences are you attending this year?

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At January 2, 2013 at 8:15 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hope to join you in at least 3 of those Amiga! I also agree becoming successful in a business takes investment we much invest our own before we can see any profit!

At January 2, 2013 at 8:20 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You know we'll be seeing each other!!!!! XOXO

At January 3, 2013 at 12:39 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Awww. Thanks for posting this. I love reading about all the blogging conferences you experience blogger mommas attend and cherish all the insight since I am so new to all of this. My goal is to attend one conference this year. I am thinking niche mommy. Hopefully I will get to see you there. exciting.

At January 3, 2013 at 8:39 AM , Blogger Lisa Quinones-Fontanez said...

Fantastic post!! I would love to go to a few myself but I'm trying to pace myself. My favorite part about conferences is meeting bloggers that I love in real life. I've been wanting to go to Blissdom but um, the last time I was in Texas I got stranded there for a week so I may just pass until it comes a little closer to home. But hoping to make Hispanicize or NicheMommy. But LATISM for sure since it's in NYC :)

At January 4, 2013 at 9:09 AM , Anonymous Tonya (The Traveling Praters) said...

Wow, you have a lot going on in California next year. You know I'm going to TBEX in Toronto. I'm planning to drive into Canada and make a road trip out of it. Toronto isn't a bad drive from my Ohio home. :)

I love learning at the blogging conferences, but the networking totally puts me out of my comfort zone and talking to sponsors- that downright terrifies me! I guess I need to get over that, huh?

Have fun! I can't wait to hear what you learn at SoFabCon!

At January 4, 2013 at 11:52 AM , Anonymous Ted Rubin said...

So excited you will be at SoFabCon... it is going to ROCK! Make sure to find me and come hear me speak at Hispanicize if you make it there. Can't wait :-)

At January 4, 2013 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right... blogging conferences can be additing, but they are also VERY valuable. What an awesome Christmas gift!! Yay!
Can't wait to meet you. This conference is going to ROCK!

At January 4, 2013 at 11:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how you said you have to spend money to make money. That is so true. I'll be there as well so I can't wait to meet you. I am really excited that the community is helping out with the ideas for sessions. It's going to ROCK!

At January 4, 2013 at 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great comments ! SoFabCon will be a great time. Hope to meet you there. Niche Mommy probably will be in South Florida this year from what I hear. And , wherever you are, make sure you meet ted !!

At January 4, 2013 at 12:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So excited to meet you in person Xenia!! SoFab is lucky to have you : )

At January 4, 2013 at 12:40 PM , Blogger Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

Can't wait to meet you at SoFabCon! You're right, it's important to get out there, to learn as much as we can, to meet other bloggers and even brands.... we gotta get out of our comfort zone to grow. Great post!

At January 5, 2013 at 2:20 PM , Blogger pearmama said...

I'd love to go to the Cali conferences. I'm also hoping to attend Hispanicize, Niche Mommy and Blogalicious. God willing!

At January 5, 2013 at 2:49 PM , Blogger pearmama said...

Camp Blogaway sounds amazing but I'm not a food blogger--still, they have a great concept!

At January 19, 2013 at 7:43 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the little calendar, I had no idea so many conferences were happening in S.Cali. Good luck at SoFabCon!

At February 1, 2013 at 6:21 AM , Blogger Maria said...

Can wait to be roomies ast SoFabCon!! I am dying to go to Hispanicize. Trying to make it happen but still unsure. See you in a few months!. :)

At February 1, 2013 at 10:08 AM , Anonymous Jasmine said...

AWESOME Christmas gift!

At February 19, 2013 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet you! I'm so glad you're coming to SoFabCon for sure! It will be awesome!


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