My Little Comedian Is #MotherFunny

NickMom's Kids Say of the Day is GOLD.  Totally reminds me of my own joker.  Duke is always saying something straight up funny or borderline smart-a**y.  It doesn't help that I egg him on by tweeting and facebooking everything he says or does.  When he gets older, he's gonna laugh about all the things I blogged about.  Right?  Here are some of Duke's golden moments and that one time he called me Snooki:
#MotherFunny #shop

Duke: Wear a costume Dad! Get in the Halloween spirit
Chris: No, cause I'm a G
Duke: You mean gangster or gay?
(My husband totally wore a costume)
#MotherFunny #shop

We're in a Target parking lot, walking towards the store and Duke sees a white SUV like the Kia we had in FL and says, "There's Whitey!" as two people pass by. Embarrassed, I tell him, you can't say that and he says but our blue Kia was Bluey!  Parenting moment for reals!
#motherfunny #shop

And then there was this:  That awkward moment when your child is watching Transformers cartoons and wondering why Optimus Prime keeps calling one of the Autobots "Ratchet". It's a tool Duke, a tool!  Too much rap music, perhaps?
#motherfunny #shop

#motherfunny #shop

He's a natural.  My little hypeman.  (Totally did not expect the blog shoutout!)


And most importantly moms, stay gold and stay laughing.  Join us next Thursday, November 21st from 9-10pm ET for a #MotherFunny Twitter Party and laugh your way into winning $500 in gift cards!  
#motherfunny Twitter Party #shop

Stay social with @NickMom on Twitter / NickMom on Facebook and

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raised by culture: My Little Comedian Is #MotherFunny

Saturday, November 16, 2013

My Little Comedian Is #MotherFunny

NickMom's Kids Say of the Day is GOLD.  Totally reminds me of my own joker.  Duke is always saying something straight up funny or borderline smart-a**y.  It doesn't help that I egg him on by tweeting and facebooking everything he says or does.  When he gets older, he's gonna laugh about all the things I blogged about.  Right?  Here are some of Duke's golden moments and that one time he called me Snooki:
#MotherFunny #shop

Duke: Wear a costume Dad! Get in the Halloween spirit
Chris: No, cause I'm a G
Duke: You mean gangster or gay?
(My husband totally wore a costume)
#MotherFunny #shop

We're in a Target parking lot, walking towards the store and Duke sees a white SUV like the Kia we had in FL and says, "There's Whitey!" as two people pass by. Embarrassed, I tell him, you can't say that and he says but our blue Kia was Bluey!  Parenting moment for reals!
#motherfunny #shop

And then there was this:  That awkward moment when your child is watching Transformers cartoons and wondering why Optimus Prime keeps calling one of the Autobots "Ratchet". It's a tool Duke, a tool!  Too much rap music, perhaps?
#motherfunny #shop

#motherfunny #shop

He's a natural.  My little hypeman.  (Totally did not expect the blog shoutout!)


And most importantly moms, stay gold and stay laughing.  Join us next Thursday, November 21st from 9-10pm ET for a #MotherFunny Twitter Party and laugh your way into winning $500 in gift cards!  
#motherfunny Twitter Party #shop

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At November 16, 2013 at 9:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Omg he is so adorable! I love hearing what your little man has to say.

At November 16, 2013 at 5:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is so cute! And funny. :) Love it.

At November 17, 2013 at 9:40 PM , Blogger Troop 3145 Silver Award said...

Tee hee...Whitey.
I remember the first time my oldest saw and realized that she saw a black person (remember, we're from Utah).
Fresh off our flight in, my 2 y/o walked right up to this guy at the Long Beach Airport and said "YOU'RE VERY SMOKEY LOOKING".
I was so mortified, but thankfully the guy cracked up. Probably because he saw my expression after she said it.
Yes to staying gold and laughing with (and at) our kids.

At November 17, 2013 at 9:41 PM , Blogger Troop 3145 Silver Award said...

And I really hope I don't offend anyone with this story.. racist toddlers!

At November 19, 2013 at 6:12 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Too funny!! I loved the "Kids Say the Darnest Things" Segement... because some of the stories are just hilarious...

and of course, those are the stories that get told over and over as we grow up.. ;)

At November 23, 2013 at 3:07 PM , Blogger Summer @ Banana Hammocks & Tutus said...

He's awesome! HAHA! You should seriously work on getting that kid a recording contract. #client


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