Duke Painting With Alexandre Renoir = Priceless. @Mastercard #Priceless #LA #MC

Our satARTday in Los Angeles started with Duke taking an art class taught by French Impressionist Renoir's great grandson Alexandre Renoir.  Take that in for a moment.  A descendant from one of our great painters Pierre-Auguste Renoir to teach my 7 year old son their wet-on-wet technique.  This was huge for our family because my husband Chris is an artist and fine arts major.  We regularly take our family on trips to museums, galleries and art shows.  The bigs actually just asked us last weekend if we could visit LACMA.  I honestly couldn't believe they asked, it was a proud parenting moment for sure.  Art is everywhere in our home - We are surrounded by my photographs, my husband's paintings, originals and prints we've purchased over the years...  Art is ingrained in our lives.    

If I could buy my way into VIP everything, I would.  Not all of us have the luxury of being invited to coveted events but when you have MasterCard, you can have tacos & tequila with Chef Bobby Flay, get the best seats in the house at Dodger Stadium or have your child paint with Alexandre Renoir.  Experiences like these are Priceless.

Priceless LA is amazing.  I regularly check the site to see if MasterCard added new experiences I can be apart of.  Signing up is free (and easy!)  The next class Alexandre Renoir is teaching happens in September, it is only $25 and ALL proceeds are donated to the Children of War Charity.

Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Priceless #LA #MC
The perfect backdrop for little artists!
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC
It is amazing the legacies we create for our families.  Renoir's paintings hang in Galerie Michael right next to his great grandson Alexandre Renoir's paintings.
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC
Minecraft obsessed 7 year old paints a scene from Minecraft.
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC
A Priceless moment is when Alexandre Renoir noticed Duke painted Minecraft and told us the story about how his 6 year old son loves Minecraft too!  Duke was impressed!
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC

This was truly an awesome experience.  Our family was honored to take part in this, thank you MasterCard for keeping art & culture alive!

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raised by culture: Duke Painting With Alexandre Renoir = Priceless. @Mastercard #Priceless #LA #MC

Monday, July 15, 2013

Duke Painting With Alexandre Renoir = Priceless. @Mastercard #Priceless #LA #MC

Our satARTday in Los Angeles started with Duke taking an art class taught by French Impressionist Renoir's great grandson Alexandre Renoir.  Take that in for a moment.  A descendant from one of our great painters Pierre-Auguste Renoir to teach my 7 year old son their wet-on-wet technique.  This was huge for our family because my husband Chris is an artist and fine arts major.  We regularly take our family on trips to museums, galleries and art shows.  The bigs actually just asked us last weekend if we could visit LACMA.  I honestly couldn't believe they asked, it was a proud parenting moment for sure.  Art is everywhere in our home - We are surrounded by my photographs, my husband's paintings, originals and prints we've purchased over the years...  Art is ingrained in our lives.    

If I could buy my way into VIP everything, I would.  Not all of us have the luxury of being invited to coveted events but when you have MasterCard, you can have tacos & tequila with Chef Bobby Flay, get the best seats in the house at Dodger Stadium or have your child paint with Alexandre Renoir.  Experiences like these are Priceless.

Priceless LA is amazing.  I regularly check the site to see if MasterCard added new experiences I can be apart of.  Signing up is free (and easy!)  The next class Alexandre Renoir is teaching happens in September, it is only $25 and ALL proceeds are donated to the Children of War Charity.

Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Priceless #LA #MC
The perfect backdrop for little artists!
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC
It is amazing the legacies we create for our families.  Renoir's paintings hang in Galerie Michael right next to his great grandson Alexandre Renoir's paintings.
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC
Minecraft obsessed 7 year old paints a scene from Minecraft.
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC
A Priceless moment is when Alexandre Renoir noticed Duke painted Minecraft and told us the story about how his 6 year old son loves Minecraft too!  Duke was impressed!
Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC Duke & Alexandre Renoir #Pricless #LA #MC

This was truly an awesome experience.  Our family was honored to take part in this, thank you MasterCard for keeping art & culture alive!

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At July 15, 2013 at 10:05 AM , Blogger Ann said...

That looks like so much fun! Renoir is one of my impressionist faves too--how neat to meet his great grandson.

At July 15, 2013 at 10:32 AM , Blogger Marilla @ Cupcake Rehab said...

This is amazing. I wish I could've done that as a child... or as an adult! What a memory!

At July 15, 2013 at 10:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! What a fantastic opportunity! I had no idea that MasterCard offered such events. Thank you for the info, I will definitely look into it! Great photos, BTW :)

At July 16, 2013 at 7:09 AM , Anonymous Maribel L. said...

I've signed up for Priceless NYC but need to be better about checking the site for updates. What a phenomenal experience this seems to have been and such a great fit for your artistic family! Also, it has to be said, that once again your photos are fantastic.

At July 24, 2013 at 1:27 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

What an amazing experience. This is something to treasure for a lifetime! Go, Duke!

At August 31, 2013 at 11:50 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful photos- thank you for the great write up! Duke was such a pleasure to have in class. Alexandre will be teaching the next session this Saturday September 7 at 11am and 1pm. We hope you and Duke can attend! Sign ups are at priceless.com/la


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