I have been home a month since SoFabCon and I still think about Jasmine Banks powerful closing keynote. Every day actually. The funny thing about all this is - Jasmine wasn't even the scheduled speaker - it just kinda happened. Something with US Customs at the Canadian border. But that's okay, sometimes things happen for a reason and I put it in my mind that we were all meant to hear Jasmine's story. It was beautiful, painful and inspiring. She made us cry and she made us laugh by keeping it real. That cliche about a breath of fresh air - this keynote was it. Everywhere I look online - blogs and Instagram mainly - I see picture perfect homes, food and families. I have asked myself is this for real? Is this real life? Because I know no one like that. Jasmine calls this stylized content. I call it cookie cutter. The majority of bloggers these days are the same. Pushing out the same perfect content in the same layouts, following the same formula and not breaking new ground. Yawn. What works for them, might not work for you. Don't follow anyone else's formula. This blogging thing... it is DIY and open for interpretation!
When I made the decision to monetize, I struggled with authenticity. Not because I wasn't authentic but because I didn't want to scare off brands or new readers by keeping it real. Do I sell out or do I stay true to myself? The answer: Stay true to yourself. Brands, bloggers and your readers want you to BE YOU.

When Jasmine put this slide up, everyone laughed.

What is your story then?

I used to have another blog and rebranded in April 2012. In November 2012, I had a breakdown. I was grateful with all the opportunities that were coming my way but I felt like I was losing my voice. That breakdown was one of the best things to happen to me.

What is your story now?

And then Jasmine dared us to start a #ThisIsMe movement by writing a love letter to ourselves. And this is me daring you to write a love letter to yourself. Labels: Accidental Keynote, Blogging, Cookie Cutter, Jasmine Banks, Masks, SoFabCon, Stylized, This Is Me