Staring Into The Abyss Of Unemployment

Before I left for the SoFabCon conference last week in Arkansas my husband and I received our "layoff" notices from work.  I wanted to go on my business trip with my "everything is fine" mask on and I tuned out the layoff notice.  It was rumored that our jobs were in jeopardy, for a couple months now but I was in denial.    This couldn't happen to us.  Not me or my husband because we are good people, we work hard.  Our current employer lost the contract at Honda Center (Home of NHL Anaheim Ducks) and the building did not want to keep all of us Union employees.  From a business perspective, it made sense.  Dollars and cents that is.  They would let go of all of us and hire new employees at minimum wage.  I have been at Honda Center for 18 years and I always thought the day I would say goodbye would be on my terms.

I went on early maternity leave in January 2012 and shortly after the birth of Omar in April 2012, I requested to take one year off.  My return date was to be September 1, 2013.  I wouldn't have been able to go on early maternity leave and take extra time off if it wasn't for being a Union member.  I wouldn't have excellent health insurance, seniority, vacation pay and a savings plan if it wasn't for my Union.  I'm devastated that I will no longer have Honda Center to call my home away from home.  When there was a lockout at the beginning of the season, we tapped into our savings to survive - we hung in there!!!  I wish Anaheim Arena Management would just give us a little respect and tell us their plans.  I need closure.    

I am in tears as I write this.  I have one post sitting in my draft folder - I have a hard time hitting publish on that one because I come off as mad.  And I refuse to let the powers that be turn me into that person.  I could go into the details of my personal and professional growth of being somewhere for 18 years but it is mentally/physically/emotionally exhausting.  The arena has been a part of me and my family for 18 years.  I loved going to work.  I love my coworkers.  I am very proud to be part of the machine that kept Honda Center going.  I wish it didn't have to end like this.

Today my "everything is fine" mask is off and I'm scared of what is next for us.  #thisisme

Sharing some of my favorite Honda Center memories in pictures ---
One of my favorite posts was about Florence who works for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.  27 years and she is addicted to the lifestyle.  I got to see her a couple years ago and gave her a copy of this picture.  my 1st!
Two of my favorite coworkers - also Honda Center lifers!  A Ducks game fell on Halloween and we got to dress up!
Ducks Season Ticket Holders during 2007 Stanley Cup Finals!  I remember when she was pregnant and now that baby is in school!
one of our regular families
I was there when we won the Stanley Cup!

I will miss you Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim / Honda Center.

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raised by culture: Staring Into The Abyss Of Unemployment

Friday, May 10, 2013

Staring Into The Abyss Of Unemployment

Before I left for the SoFabCon conference last week in Arkansas my husband and I received our "layoff" notices from work.  I wanted to go on my business trip with my "everything is fine" mask on and I tuned out the layoff notice.  It was rumored that our jobs were in jeopardy, for a couple months now but I was in denial.    This couldn't happen to us.  Not me or my husband because we are good people, we work hard.  Our current employer lost the contract at Honda Center (Home of NHL Anaheim Ducks) and the building did not want to keep all of us Union employees.  From a business perspective, it made sense.  Dollars and cents that is.  They would let go of all of us and hire new employees at minimum wage.  I have been at Honda Center for 18 years and I always thought the day I would say goodbye would be on my terms.

I went on early maternity leave in January 2012 and shortly after the birth of Omar in April 2012, I requested to take one year off.  My return date was to be September 1, 2013.  I wouldn't have been able to go on early maternity leave and take extra time off if it wasn't for being a Union member.  I wouldn't have excellent health insurance, seniority, vacation pay and a savings plan if it wasn't for my Union.  I'm devastated that I will no longer have Honda Center to call my home away from home.  When there was a lockout at the beginning of the season, we tapped into our savings to survive - we hung in there!!!  I wish Anaheim Arena Management would just give us a little respect and tell us their plans.  I need closure.    

I am in tears as I write this.  I have one post sitting in my draft folder - I have a hard time hitting publish on that one because I come off as mad.  And I refuse to let the powers that be turn me into that person.  I could go into the details of my personal and professional growth of being somewhere for 18 years but it is mentally/physically/emotionally exhausting.  The arena has been a part of me and my family for 18 years.  I loved going to work.  I love my coworkers.  I am very proud to be part of the machine that kept Honda Center going.  I wish it didn't have to end like this.

Today my "everything is fine" mask is off and I'm scared of what is next for us.  #thisisme

Sharing some of my favorite Honda Center memories in pictures ---
One of my favorite posts was about Florence who works for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.  27 years and she is addicted to the lifestyle.  I got to see her a couple years ago and gave her a copy of this picture.  my 1st!
Two of my favorite coworkers - also Honda Center lifers!  A Ducks game fell on Halloween and we got to dress up!
Ducks Season Ticket Holders during 2007 Stanley Cup Finals!  I remember when she was pregnant and now that baby is in school!
one of our regular families
I was there when we won the Stanley Cup!

I will miss you Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim / Honda Center.

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At May 10, 2013 at 12:01 PM , Anonymous Kristi said...

I know this is a rough patch for you and your family...I've been there. My husband lost his job a couple years ago without any notice and it truly is scary when you don't know what the future holds. Just know deep in your heart that there is something for you on the horizon and it is going to be AWESOME! If you need anything, please feel free to reach out. Virtual hugs to you. :)

At May 10, 2013 at 12:09 PM , Blogger Wendy @ChoosingLoveAZ said...

Thank you for sharing such a vulnerable time. 18 years is a very long time at the same place of employment. Wishing you much success on your new ventures that lie ahead for you, even if today is a very scary, and public, first step.

At May 10, 2013 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Marilla said...

I'm so sorry. This must be rough on you all. <3

I loved the pictures though! Especially the last one.

At May 10, 2013 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Marilla said...

I'm so sorry. This must be rough on you all. <3

I loved the pictures though! Especially the last one.

At May 10, 2013 at 12:21 PM , Blogger pearmama said...

Sorry to hear this news, Xenia. I think its perfectly normal to feel angry and sad.

What is really sad is how few of us have the luxury of looking to health benefits, 401K, vacation pay, savings, etc like our parents once did. It is a rarity now.

I know you guys will be ok because you work hard and you hustle and look at what you've accomplished during the time you've been off "work" and blogging. I know it doesn't replace what you had before but as least you can see some sort of future for yourself. Imagine those who have no other options except that 9 to 5.

Praying for your fam. Now, getting this side hustle is more important than ever! xoxo

At May 10, 2013 at 12:31 PM , Blogger Sabz said...

I know what it's like girl, and it's never easy. In the mean time, enjoy blogging, your family and take time to figure out whats next. Hang in there!! xoxox

At May 10, 2013 at 1:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Amiga you have been the pillar and voice of reason. I can't extend my support enough for all you have done for me and for others. I know what you mean by things like this don't happen to good people like us. While I didn't do 18 yrs I do know what it's like to make your work your life only to feel disrespected. Your feelings are understandable. I know success is around the corner. Hold tight You and C are great people!

At May 10, 2013 at 2:12 PM , Blogger Jen @ said...

Oh Xenia. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I know it must be really scary and unnerving right now. I'm thinking good thoughts for you guys right now. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. <3

At May 10, 2013 at 4:08 PM , Anonymous Chris said...

I'm so sorry about this. I'm happy to hear that you've had so many great memories there with coworkers and fans. That's something no one can take away from you. As cliche as it sounds, when one door closes, another one opens. Or... you can build a new door and kick it open. You're a go-getter (hi, look at your successful blog!!), and I have no doubt you'll find another wonderful place to work. Please LMK how I can help - you know my email, yes?

At May 10, 2013 at 4:43 PM , Blogger Troop 3145 Silver Award said...

I've been there. Oh, I've been there. I was laid off from Borders and was completely devastated.
Keep your chin up! Something good will come.

At May 10, 2013 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Jamie said...

I too got laid off from a job that I had let become my identity, my home. I'm sorry your family is struggling through this. Know that you are not alone and it's more than OK to be angry. Going through the grief process for losing a beloved job is really not that different than if someone you loved died (I'm not a therapist, I just have experienced this stuff). Hang in there and know you have a community that stands with you.

At May 10, 2013 at 8:21 PM , Blogger Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

Oh yes this hurts and is a scary time. Been there...done that. I am hoping that you find jobs soon.

At May 11, 2013 at 9:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At May 11, 2013 at 9:57 PM , Blogger Life by Cynthia said...

Xenia, I am so sorry that this is happening to you guys. It is scary and I am praying for you and you family.

At May 13, 2013 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Maribel L. said...

Xenia, it takes strength to share personal trials. That strength will get you through this! Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can do to support.

At May 13, 2013 at 6:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Xenia, I am so sorry that this is happening. In the short time that we have interacted, I know that you loved your job, and I think that is what makes this news more painful. I know it all seems stressful right now, but know that it will all work out. Hang in there, if you need anyone to talk to, we are always here. *HUGS*

At May 13, 2013 at 10:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear this news Xenia. It is hard leaving a place of employment after years of service (I've been there) but even harder when you're the one being let go.

I will keep you guys in my thoughts that things will work out.

At May 15, 2013 at 10:47 AM , Blogger vc said...

BOOO! Sorry to hear this news. It truly is sad to hear this type of news when you given so much of yourself and life to a company. I am firm believer of everything happens for a reason. Yes this is a scary thing since both you and your husband worked there and have a family to care for. But sometimes these situation can lead you to greater things. I am sure you will be fine and a great opportunity is on the horizon for you. Sending you hugs and positive thoughts!!


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