Big Surprise The Day After Election 2012 #NaBloPoMo

Yep, I was bonafide worried that Obama would lose... possibly the cause of my anxiety for the past few months.  But after the networks projected Obama as the winner and Romney finally conceded, I slept so well last night.  And I honestly had no intentions of writing about the election on my blog.  I shared my thoughts on Twitter and my personal Facebook and was going to leave it at that.

And then I found Duke texting Hubby this:  Hi daddy it was awesome last night

Imagine that.  Our 6 year old actually enjoyed the night we had.  It consisted of waiting for Daddy to get home from work at 4:30pm, rush over to our local polling place, head back home to watch the election returns and coverage, wait for Romney's concession speech and finally hear our 44nd President of the United States Barack Obama's victory speech.

Don't underestimate your children.  They have a voice.  Take the time to listen to them.
Election Day 2012
Election Day 2012
Hubby and I high-fived.  I got teary eyed.  All parties aside (even though my family is born and bred Democrats to the core.)
I voted for women's rights, healthcare and equality.  

I can not describe how my mom is always worried about her health insurance since she was diagnosed with cancer in 2010.  She stresses so much about not having coverage if she ever decides to transfer jobs or move back to California because of her "pre-existing condition".  Under Obamacare, she is covered NO MATTER WHAT.  I am relieved that this is an option for her now.  

Whoever you voted for and whatever you believe in - let the man do his job these next four years.  
Election Day 2012

NaBloPoMo November 2012

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raised by culture: Big Surprise The Day After Election 2012 #NaBloPoMo

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Big Surprise The Day After Election 2012 #NaBloPoMo

Yep, I was bonafide worried that Obama would lose... possibly the cause of my anxiety for the past few months.  But after the networks projected Obama as the winner and Romney finally conceded, I slept so well last night.  And I honestly had no intentions of writing about the election on my blog.  I shared my thoughts on Twitter and my personal Facebook and was going to leave it at that.

And then I found Duke texting Hubby this:  Hi daddy it was awesome last night

Imagine that.  Our 6 year old actually enjoyed the night we had.  It consisted of waiting for Daddy to get home from work at 4:30pm, rush over to our local polling place, head back home to watch the election returns and coverage, wait for Romney's concession speech and finally hear our 44nd President of the United States Barack Obama's victory speech.

Don't underestimate your children.  They have a voice.  Take the time to listen to them.
Election Day 2012
Election Day 2012
Hubby and I high-fived.  I got teary eyed.  All parties aside (even though my family is born and bred Democrats to the core.)
I voted for women's rights, healthcare and equality.  

I can not describe how my mom is always worried about her health insurance since she was diagnosed with cancer in 2010.  She stresses so much about not having coverage if she ever decides to transfer jobs or move back to California because of her "pre-existing condition".  Under Obamacare, she is covered NO MATTER WHAT.  I am relieved that this is an option for her now.  

Whoever you voted for and whatever you believe in - let the man do his job these next four years.  
Election Day 2012

NaBloPoMo November 2012

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At November 8, 2012 at 12:57 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I was so surprised on how much Doll Face was picking up. She went us to vote too and she put her I vote sticker in the same place as Duke, on her train. I was kinda laughing when I saw the picture of Duke and his train, because Doll Face has hers there too.

I am so with you on this one, children pick up everything. I hope that Doll Face can remember staying up with Momma to hear Obama speak. :) History is a beautiful thing!

At November 8, 2012 at 7:08 AM , Anonymous Lee @Jandamom said...

My 3 and 5 year olds enjoyed the election season too. I think it is important to get your children involved as a great civics lesson. Stopping by from Think Outdide the Blog Hop!

At November 8, 2012 at 7:32 AM , Blogger Mama's High Strung said...

Love the image and love this post... following you everywhere!

At November 8, 2012 at 12:03 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, that was an election I will never forget. Nor will the fingernails I chewed to the skin! I'm filled with optimism for what the future holds and to finally have those in power to realize that the face of America is changing. Nice to meet you. I hopped over from the Outside the Blog Hop. :-)

At November 8, 2012 at 6:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Love everything about this. Obama. Duke. Your momma. & You!
I don't remember the elections as a kid. My parents weren't really into it I guess, but they sure are now!

At November 9, 2012 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous Trina said...

Love this post and I love that your boy was so into the election. I was really nervous too, but couldn't stay up because of being in the third tri. lol


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