Week 1: #raisedbyculture Holiday Links

I love the holidays!  I have been busy enjoying family since blogging was a little slow and I started (and almost finished) Christmas shopping.  In the downtime, I've been pinning ideas, experimenting in the kitchen and loving links!  I'm sharing this week's favorites:

I had the pleasure of meeting sisters Dariela and Dariana at Niche Mommy Conference earlier this year, they are quite lovely and talented.  They run Dari Design Studio and are looking to fund their dream, you can help make this happen!  I think the $25 or $50 Contributions make great gifts!  
> Dari Design Studio Surtex 2013 Campaign  

I also had the pleasure of meeting Juan of Juan of Words and his lovely wife, Anjelica.  Turns out Anjelica loves thrifting and crafting (some of my fave things!)  I really love her holiday project.
> 12 Gift Wrapping Days of Christmas: Day 1 - Loteria Style!

When I was making editing the gift guide for textdrivebys.com - I came across Door Sixteen's Handmade Shop List.  It is pretty cool.  Shop small business!

The Swell Life: Glitter Galaxy Ornament DIY - These are fantastic, I think they would look good on any tree and as gifts!  

My longtime Internet friend and co-editor at textdrivebys.com Marilla of Cupcake Rehab made these Maple Pumpkin Pasties with Bourbon Whipped Cream that I'll be making very soon!  Yum! 

The Friend Collective is one of those sites I just love.  They will be co-hosting my other project Think Outside The Blog Thursday Blog Hop in the near future.  I have been wanting to get an Elf on the Shelf but they are pricey (I think its worth it, don't get me wrong) and didn't go down in price after Christmas last year.  So for now, I have been enjoying TFC Elf On The Shelf Friday.  

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raised by culture: Week 1: #raisedbyculture Holiday Links

Friday, November 30, 2012

Week 1: #raisedbyculture Holiday Links

I love the holidays!  I have been busy enjoying family since blogging was a little slow and I started (and almost finished) Christmas shopping.  In the downtime, I've been pinning ideas, experimenting in the kitchen and loving links!  I'm sharing this week's favorites:

I had the pleasure of meeting sisters Dariela and Dariana at Niche Mommy Conference earlier this year, they are quite lovely and talented.  They run Dari Design Studio and are looking to fund their dream, you can help make this happen!  I think the $25 or $50 Contributions make great gifts!  

I also had the pleasure of meeting Juan of Juan of Words and his lovely wife, Anjelica.  Turns out Anjelica loves thrifting and crafting (some of my fave things!)  I really love her holiday project.

When I was making editing the gift guide for textdrivebys.com - I came across Door Sixteen's Handmade Shop List.  It is pretty cool.  Shop small business!

The Swell Life: Glitter Galaxy Ornament DIY - These are fantastic, I think they would look good on any tree and as gifts!  

My longtime Internet friend and co-editor at textdrivebys.com Marilla of Cupcake Rehab made these Maple Pumpkin Pasties with Bourbon Whipped Cream that I'll be making very soon!  Yum! 

The Friend Collective is one of those sites I just love.  They will be co-hosting my other project Think Outside The Blog Thursday Blog Hop in the near future.  I have been wanting to get an Elf on the Shelf but they are pricey (I think its worth it, don't get me wrong) and didn't go down in price after Christmas last year.  So for now, I have been enjoying TFC Elf On The Shelf Friday.  

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At November 30, 2012 at 1:32 PM , Blogger Sabz said...

can't wait to check out all these sites, thank you very much for sharing! shout out to The Friend Collective!

At November 30, 2012 at 6:53 PM , Blogger Connie Leon said...

You had me at Glitter Ornaments! LOL! Thanks for sharing these sites, they all look really great!!!

At December 4, 2012 at 9:23 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

YAY for supporting the dream!!! I love those girls and I hope they make it far!!!

At December 4, 2012 at 9:39 PM , Blogger Marilla @ Cupcake Rehab said...

Thanks for linking to me! :D

At December 5, 2012 at 5:18 PM , Blogger Mama Harris said...

all great ideas!


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